Adding memory to my PC? Is it ok to mix?


Jun 8, 2004
Right now I have a dell with 2x256mb PC3200 ram running in dual channel mode. I want to buy another 1gb because its so cheap ( 2x512mb Corsair XMS PC3200 is only ~$230 at NewEgg ) but I was just curious if I should take out the old ram thats in there and just run the Corsair? Or would it be better to mix the brands of ram and have a total of 1.5GB?
You could run both sets, but there are some things you should know. First off running all 4 dimm slots full puts more strain on the memory controller so you don't get as good an overclock...not even close. Also if the pc3200 that is in there right now has looser timings that the corsairs it will slow down the corsairs.

Then you also need to look and see if you need the 1.5GB's of ram or will 1GB do? I would say unless your running big photoshop/premier or other such programs 1GB will get you buy 100% of the time

So if you didn't figure it out my vote is for just the 2x512 corsairs sticks and then maybe sell the 2x256 to get some money back

he's got a dell machine...he's in no way overclocking.

you should be fine with the new memory. If you want to go to 1.5GB, that's your decision. 1GB is plenty for most things...but hey, do what you want.