adding another router?


Sep 14, 2000
I already have a dlink 614+ wifi router. But I need more ports. I have all of them used up between xbox,ps2, desktops, laptops. I have to keep switching them. Can I just add another router? Or should I get something else like a switch?
You should get either a switch or a hub (switches are better). Unplug something from the router; connect the switch to the router with a crossover cable. Connect whatever you need to the switch, up to the limit of addresses the router will hand out (usually 50.) Hope this helped!
Possibly it will work.

You can take the router and disable all the routing features, then it is just a switch again, but you can find 8 port switches on Pricewatch for under $20. Allbeit nothing super fancy, but it will do the work.

The biggest reason why you want to get a hub or a switch, is because if you get another router you are paying for features you arent going to use, and if you dont disable the routing functions, you run into all sorts of wonderful problems. Devices going through 2 NAT's 2 DHCP servers on the same network, not to mention that devices plugged into the 2nd router, wont be able to see things plugged into the first.

Look around for a hub or a switch and you will be alot happier.