AD GPO Administrative Templates Empty


Sep 9, 2001
I'm trying to set up a GPO for the domain to assign all computers within a specific OU to use the local WSUS server. I run GPMC, right click on the OU I want the policy on, then choose "create and link a Group Policy Object here". I name it, and then edit it.

When I go to edit it, though, nothing can be found under "Administrative Templates". I've tried removing and readding the templates, turning off view filtering, et cetera. Nothing.

The only place I can get the wuau.adm file to show anything is for the Local Computer Policy. Any ideas?

This is a Windows Server 2003 SP2 box running DNS, AD, DHCP, WSUS (and, by extension IIS + ASP .NET 1.1). The forest level is 2003. If I missed anything, just ask :).
You can always Add\Remove Templates when you right click on the "Administrative Templates" Tree, but I think the problem is deeper than that.

I've experienced this before, once, if I recall correctly. What other applications do you have installed that aren't Microsoft branded (well, that don't come with the O\S)? Specifically Symantec and BlackICE products.
As I said, I removed and readded the templates (meaning I right clicked the "Administrative templates" folder, chose add/remove, removed all of them, then readded from the windows inf folder). That did not cause them to show up.

Non MS Programs installed:
Roxio Easy CD Creator 5
Chancery SMS WinSchool Server for NT
Genie-Soft Genie Backup Manager Server 7.0
Nero 7 Essentials

I note that the default domain policy shows templates, but does not add the settings caused by the wuau.adm template (i.e., there are only two options listed under "Windows Update" instead of the 12 there should be).
Massive stab in the dark here, and it doesn't even really make sense. But what happens if you UNINSTALL Genie-Soft Backup Manager Server Edition? I was running that also when I was having issues.

I still haven't found out the root of my problem really, so if it was Genie-Soft Backup Manager Server Edition, it's a win for both of us :D.
Upon pointing me towards that, I took a look at the Geniesoft stuff I had installed. One of them stuck out: "File Access Manager". This program wouldn't even run, so I uninstalled it, rebooted.

Lo and behold, I have my group policies back!

Thanks for the pointer, and f' you, geniesoft. (Well, and the horse you rode in on, a clueless guy who wants to be helpful but installs stuff on the server without thinking about the impacts)...