Access Denied \??\C:\Documents and Settings\Jennifer


[H]F Junkie
Sep 5, 2001
I got this computer from a friend of mine who has a teenage son and daughter that like to click on anything and everything ...

going thru in safe mode as Administrator I was trying to clean out temp folders in each accounts local settings folder but the daughters account says access denied

so I tried to change permissions on her user folder and then I was able to get into it and see all the other folders but I cant get into nor change permissions on any of the sub folders and get the

Error Applying Security:
an error occurred applying security information to:
\??\C:\Documents and Settings\Jennifer
Access is Denied

When I go to inherit permissions , and "unknow user" shows up as well

I did a search on google for \??\C:\ but only c programming info

How can I get into Jennifers folder and retrieve her pictures and stuff?

Once I get all the data backed up , I will probably just reformat and reinstall windows from scratch then for them..

Looks like a corrupted profile, which mess with the permissions. I saw this happening a few times...

If you can't change permissions, what about copying the whole contents somewhere else, reinstall windows and recopy after making sure permissions is correct.
Goto the advanced ntfs permssions. Then take ownership of the files.

More than likely the user id has its personal folders marked as "private" try checking the user account settings from the control panel first.