A secure FTP server?


Apr 15, 2001
I'm in need of a secure FTP server and dont really want to try hundreds of servers and clients out till I find the right one. Can I get a few suggestions on what people have used and whats good?

BTW, even after the many improvements in IIS6's version of FTP, it STILL sucks...
What OS are you wanting to run it on? I'll assume W2K3 since you mentioned IIS6.

Are you looking for free, or something that you pay for? Check this thread I started a while back, post number 8: http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=864012

It now costs $20 to download the Interop openssh implementation, but it works great. Any ftp program that supports sftp can connect to it. I usually use WinSCP for a client, which is also free.