A Public Access Computer In A Public Place, How To Protect It?


Limp Gawd
Sep 9, 2003
I have a place where I would like to put a computer for free public access. The tower would be locked away under the screen keyboard and mouse.

What I want to do is that you can only go to 2 or 3 websites of my choice, and I would like to make this all applicable to one account on Windows XP Pro, I guess setting up a group policy and restricting access to all functions… but how do you make the GP apply to only one account? And how can i ristrict the websites?
Good luck. I don't think xp pro has the capabilities to do this ( I have been wrong in the past, but I can't think of any facilities in xp that can do this. I'd love to be wrong ).

But, what i can tell you, is that kde on linux does. So if you are serious about setting up a public access terminal limited to a few sites, just know that you can do this with linux securely.
What I'd recommend it not doing it at the OS level though, do it at the router/firewall.

If you want to do it through GPOs (if there is a way, note sure), you would apply the GP to the computer account, not the user account.
XOR != OR said:
Good luck. I don't think xp pro has the capabilities to do this ( I have been wrong in the past, but I can't think of any facilities in xp that can do this. I'd love to be wrong ).

But, what i can tell you, is that kde on linux does. So if you are serious about setting up a public access terminal limited to a few sites, just know that you can do this with linux securely.
Well i dont know how to use linux so if i can be refferd to a guide of some sort on the topic i would gladly mess around with it. hey one major upside is that i dont have to worry about viruses :).

pigster said:
Thank you so much.
It's definately doable with windows xp. i've seen boxes set up as terminals that had almost everything customized and locked down - even the start button name had been changed.

I'd recommend doing it at a firewall level as well. Set it up to block access to everything except the websites you want.

AchTuNG! said:
have you got the PC yet? what about a thin client running CE or linux?
Can you please elaboreate on such a solution, i dont know the first thing aobut this stuff.