A new system and old HD with Win2000...upgrade to XP or fresh install of XP?


Limp Gawd
Jul 5, 2005
I have been putting together a new system. First new one in a long time... ;)
Here's the situation...I have:
- old IDE HD w/ Windows 2000 and all my stuff on it
- new unused SATA HD

I'd like to upgrade to Windows XP...and I'm trying to figure out the best way to do this. A couple of different possibilities:

[1] Hook up the old HD, copy it over to the new, and either before or after the copy, upgrade to Windows XP.

[2] Do a fresh install of Windows XP.on my new HD, and....ugh...reinstall everything???...slowly copy over stuff from my old HD?

Now, on my old HD I have a TON of stuff installed. And the prospect of reinstalling program after program so the registry is all proper and what not, and manually sifting through configuration files and what not for various programs to copy them over so I don't lose all my configurations and what not....ugh, it just sounds like a nightmare.

Yet, the copy of Windows 2000 is old, and if I remember correctly, was already an upgrade from Win98. I have a hunch it's pretty grungy and that there's a lot of unnecessary stuff. So I'd really *like* a fresh install...

So what's my best bet?...Is there some option I've missed?...Is there any way to start off with a fresh install of WinXP without having to extremely painstakingly reconstruct everything over....?.... If not, is the benefits of a fresh install really worth it? Would an upgrade suffice?

Thanks for any input...
I'd pick up a full copy of Windows XP and do a fresh install. It will be a lot cleaner and run smoother in the long run. It may be a pain to reinstall all your programs, but it'll be worth it.
copy of xp and option 2 is the best IMO, you can always dual boot as an option also