A new switch, Smoothwall, and dialup


Ravenufo's Macs
Feb 28, 2001
For my home network I was running an old Linksys 5 port DSL/Cable router hooked up to Smoothwall with dialup (only thing I can get). I added a couple more computers so I changed out the old router and hooked up a new Netgear 8 port switch (model FS608) to Smoothwall. With the new switch I don't have any network and I discovered I only have network using the old router when Smoothwall is plugged into port 1. However, the new switch does provide network if it is plugged into the old router and Smoothwall is plugged into port 1.

I do have DHCP on in Smoothwall and I have a bunch of cables and computers that have the same issue. Again, everything works however, if I use the old router plugged into port 1 and the new switch plugged into the router.

I thought I would only need a switch with DHCP in smoothwall. Any ideas?