A great Distro for the Kids- edubuntu


Apr 21, 2004

What is Edubuntu?
Edubuntu is a free/libre/ open source GNU/Linux operating system. And if that didn't make any sense to you, we hope that it soon will. In simpler terms, Edubuntu is a free software system designed for school environments, and should be equaly suitable for kids to use at home.

Edubuntu is based on the ever popular Ubuntu operating system, and has many contributers, many being volunteers.

I was looking at this the other day. I work in a public school system and thought this would be a great way to save some money. I am working on getting a system up and running so we can have some of the children use it and see if they like it or not. If I can get away from the windows xp in the workstation i can save my self the cost of buying the keys for other workstations.
AcidTone said:
I was looking at this the other day. I work in a public school system and thought this would be a great way to save some money. I am working on getting a system up and running so we can have some of the children use it and see if they like it or not. If I can get away from the windows xp in the workstation i can save my self the cost of buying the keys for other workstations.

Ya It looks good, I know money is tight for schools right now. I wish I had a kid so he/she could try it :)
I will post back some thoughts once i get it installed and come one useing it.