A game to create weapons?


Limp Gawd
Mar 24, 2005
Is there any game where you can create complex weapons? My favorite part of any game is being able to customize...design things. I am an engineer at heart. I've seen games like age of wonders where you can design a weapon with simple stats like +3 to attack and so on, but I am looking for a modern game involving guns and more complex weapons.
Decker87 said:
Is there any game where you can create complex weapons? My favorite part of any game is being able to customize...design things. I am an engineer at heart. I've seen games like age of wonders where you can design a weapon with simple stats like +3 to attack and so on, but I am looking for a modern game involving guns and more complex weapons.

Pariah. a little bit. but dude, the ending sucks.
dont know if you have a ps2 or not but the new socom 3 will be able to do this. you want a sileny gun you put on the silencer, you want a scope, you put on the scope. you want tp have a thermal scope you pit on the thermla scope. you can even chose different stocks and stands, that effect your aim, scuracy and overal player speed
There's more of this kind of things in turn-based games, for what I guess are obvious reasons.
Alpha Centauri let's you design your units from the parts you've researched, as does Space Empires. Both are highly addictive if you're into that sort of games.
(However, this is "units", not "weapons".)
Units are essentially weapons. And designing a weapon for a unit to use is essentially designing a unit as well...thanks! I'm going to try alpha centauri. I have a radeon 9600 pro, will that run the game well (made by ati)?
im pretty sure most MMORPG's let you customize your weapons. i know in star wars galaxies you can use certain tissues/bones/etc and you have to put them together to make the guns; and depending on how good the resources were, determines the stats on the gun. i dont know if you can classify star wars as "modern", but the crafting system in it is pretty complex.
Decker87 said:
Units are essentially weapons. And designing a weapon for a unit to use is essentially designing a unit as well...thanks! I'm going to try alpha centauri. I have a radeon 9600 pro, will that run the game well (made by ati)?

This is a 2d, turn-based, strategy game made by the guy who created civilization. I've run it on an XP1600+ with a radeon 7000, and it was perfectly fine. :)
(This was the linux edition, but they should be almost identical.)

Oh, and space empires have even lower resource demands. The only difference CPU power makes is how long the AI takes to do a turn, and the graphics are ... undemanding.
Kankykur7 said:
im pretty sure most MMORPG's let you customize your weapons. i know in star wars galaxies you can use certain tissues/bones/etc and you have to put them together to make the guns; and depending on how good the resources were, determines the stats on the gun. i dont know if you can classify star wars as "modern", but the crafting system in it is pretty complex.

me = master weaponsmith on SW galaxies, Valcyn server. Extremely complex crafting system. The problem is, it will take you awhile to gather the necessary resources to start making unbelieveable weaponry
Nasty_Savage said:
me = master weaponsmith on SW galaxies, Valcyn server. Extremely complex crafting system. The problem is, it will take you awhile to gather the necessary resources to start making unbelieveable weaponry

I was a Master Bio-Engineer when I played. That took up almost all my time playing. Would take orders for high level creatures and materials for chefs. Also had to manage my resource extractors and power generators. Spent many hours doing that but I ended up making millions upon millions of credits. Rented plots from other characters and had 4 or 5 Large houses, a guildhall, the works. It was great fun being wealthy...
That sounds pretty cool, unfortunately I was never into star wars and it would be odd to start there. Anyway, are there some other games that allow customization of major parts (like customizing a military tank you drive, or something of this nature)? Of course RPGs have a lot of 'create-your-character type things', but what other games are good as far as customization?
According to a post by Krenzo, the leader of the Half-Life 2 mod Empires:
Right now, you can customize weapons, armor type, armor levels (front, rear, left, right), and engine type.

Unfortunately, this mod hasn't been released yet but a public beta is set to be released before the end of the year, or when it's done.
KotOR and KotOR 2, you could customize any weapon and armor. ButI wouldn't call it "complex".

Check out Restricted Area.

It's kind of like a post-apocalyptic Diablo II, and in addition to finding weapons and implants with special abilities, you can then take them to the NPC and get them tweaked in different ways for cash.

Alternately, get Diablo II and the Eastern Sun 3.00 mod. It really fixes the socket and crafting system to a ridiculous degree.
Isn't the forthcoming Ghost Recon sposed ta be able to let you do this?
Decker87 said:
Is there any game where you can create complex weapons? My favorite part of any game is being able to customize...design things. I am an engineer at heart. I've seen games like age of wonders where you can design a weapon with simple stats like +3 to attack and so on, but I am looking for a modern game involving guns and more complex weapons.


I don't know the state of the game anymore since retro64 sold it to another developer but here's the short & curlies about it:

2d overhead, turn based gravity shooter. 2 (or more, up to 8) ships spawn on planets and take turns shooting each other until one is left. Each round you get a choice of shields that do certain things, absorb shots, reflect shots, cause your ship to 'jump' if a shot comes too close etc.

The weapons are where it gets cool. Each weapon pack has fifty weapons you can design. Each weapon has (I think) eight stages, with ten actions per stage. An 'action' is something like 'fly', 'heat seek', 'explode' (in varying sizes) and so on.

Additionally, each weapon releases the eight stages in a certain way, sometimes all at once (like in a spread pattern) or with various time delays and methods of release.

All in all it's a kickass, fun game with online play, but you eventually hit a limitation after your weapons become advanced enough. It's still a pretty fun game that hasn't seen a lot of recognition.

[edit] Until you buy the game you can only use the default wep pack, but you can go online and join games to see what kind of custom weapons there are.

You can also get into a programming game like robowar (or the various PC games) that gets super complex.

[edit] If you're an engineer, have you tried out the Structural Engineering Challenge or Bridge Builder games yet? No weapons but enjoyable nontheless.
Dawn of War allows you to select which soldier in a unit holds what gun, so there is some customization there.