A Full Review of What Just Might Had Happened...


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 19, 2003
Last night as of 4 A.M.

Four computers was connected to a switch connected to a router which handles 2 more computers.

One computer's connection decided to go down at 4 A.M. I tried to check the physical connections and it looked fine. I tried re-arranging ethernet cables and nothing was fixed. I decided I would fix it the next day.

4:15 A.M.

My other computer (on the same switch as the other computer that recently lost its connection) just lost connection too. I thought something was failing. I checked the ethernet cables again and spent a little while being "down there" (where all the set up is). I couldn't fix it. I decided to go to bed since I lost all my connections. I went downstairs on my parent's computer (that is connected directly to the router). The internet worked on that computer, strangely. I put up an away message saying "There's a network failure. I will be unavailable." to let my friends know. So I went to bed...

12:30 P.M.

My parents woke up and went to use their computer. They woke me up and said, "The internet isn't working?" I was shocked. I went downstairs and saw the internet didn't even work. What is going on? Why is it that all computers intervally lose connection? I rechecked all connections and thought the final solution is to try to turn off and on the router's power. By dumb luck, it worked. All computers had their connections restored. Everything worked as normally.

So, anyone have any experience with this? What just happened here? Why did the router (DI-604) decide to knock off one computer at one time then knock off another at another? It seems strange to me.

Thankfully though, everything's working now.

possibility that the dhcp service quit and the lease of ip addys expired and couldnt auto renew themselves until you reset the router ????
Yeah, I wouldn't expend too much brain energy as to why this happens. I would just update your firmware on the router and hope that solves it. It's a fairly common issue. Typically flashing the firmware is effective in many cases. If not your router could be going downhill
GeForceX said:
Last night as of 4 A.M.

Four computers was connected to a switch connected to a router which handles 2 more computers.

One computer's connection decided to go down at 4 A.M. I tried to check the physical connections and it looked fine. I tried re-arranging ethernet cables and nothing was fixed. I decided I would fix it the next day.

4:15 A.M.

My other computer (on the same switch as the other computer that recently lost its connection) just lost connection too. I thought something was failing. I checked the ethernet cables again and spent a little while being "down there" (where all the set up is). I couldn't fix it. I decided to go to bed since I lost all my connections. I went downstairs on my parent's computer (that is connected directly to the router). The internet worked on that computer, strangely. I put up an away message saying "There's a network failure. I will be unavailable." to let my friends know. So I went to bed...

12:30 P.M.

My parents woke up and went to use their computer. They woke me up and said, "The internet isn't working?" I was shocked. I went downstairs and saw the internet didn't even work. What is going on? Why is it that all computers intervally lose connection? I rechecked all connections and thought the final solution is to try to turn off and on the router's power. By dumb luck, it worked. All computers had their connections restored. Everything worked as normally.

So, anyone have any experience with this? What just happened here? Why did the router (DI-604) decide to knock off one computer at one time then knock off another at another? It seems strange to me.

Thankfully though, everything's working now.


The answer here is quite simple, your router probably took a big fat happy dump and crashed. When you power cycled it, you inevitably rebooted it clearing your problem. If it continues, might be time for a new router.
The router had a "Brain-Fart". I can't explain why but mine does similar things, that are usually fixed by reseting the router.
This wouldn't happen to be a belkin router would it? I had this happen last night also and couldn't figure it out. A reboot fixed it. First time in like 2 years I've seen something like that.

nomak said:
possibility that the dhcp service quit and the lease of ip addys expired and couldnt auto renew themselves until you reset the router ????

^ Answer

Used to happen with my Netgear Wireless G router.
DI-604 is D-Link...

But yeah, just seems your router glitched and you fixed it by resetting it.
My Linksys does that when I'm chewing up over 90% of my upload with torrents.