"a firewall" is blocking "mdbs_daemon" (issues with downloading from MU)


Limp Gawd
Aug 21, 2008
not sure where should post this ..

so iv been experiencing some problems lately with downloading from megaupload and here's what the IE8 says.

solutions i tried and did not work:

-turn off windows firewall/router firewall
-open the tcp 800 port on router
-enable DMZ
-turn off antivirus
-reset router

im really pissed and any thoughts are welcome :)
Type "telnet www871.megaupload.com 800" from your command prompt and see if you can connect. If you can, then maybe you should try a different web browser.
cmd tells me telnet is not recognized as a command ... may be im typing something wrong, ..sorry first time i use commands
Copy and paste the information from the Command Prompt on this thread.

After you run the command, right-click on the title bar, then move to Edit -> Mark. This will give you a chance to highlight what you want to copy. After you selected your area, press the Enter button to copy the contents. The information should store it in your clipboard.
Telnet isnt installed by default in Vista and I think 7. You need to go to Programs and Features and then Turn Windows Features on or Off, and then turn on Telnet Client.
here is what the cmd says:

C:\Users\user>telnet www871.megaupload.com 800
Connecting To www871.megaupload.com...Could not open connection to the host, on
port 800: Connect failed

may be failed since its a file hosting site with not always "open" downloading slots ?

edit: tried firefox also and it didnt work , only difference is that ie8 gave me a diagnosis.
If the port is available from your machine, it should have let you connect. So, a firewall is still enabled somewhere. Check your local services (start -> run -> type "services.msc") and turn off any service that might be anti-virus scanning related or firewall related.

Have you tried maybe using an FTP client for this?

I tried to go to www871.megaupload.com but couldn't through my web browser. Why does it have "www871" in the url anyway? www.megaupload.com works for me...
WOAA maan

thank god i am able to do it again it worked thanks to you !,

first i disabled real time protection is eset nod 32 then turned off the windows firewall.

then made this (dangerous step i think) went to router config and setup a DMZ on my static ip.

went to services as you said sir and boo yah turned off windows defender, windows firewall and
interestingly the eset didnt have an option to be turned off through services.

disabled connection re enable and there it goes ... just im REALLy uncomfortable having my pc so vulnerable and on DMZ ... any ideas what to do ? or what if it downloading didn't work later on ?
you say you "open the tcp 800 port on router"

did you properly forward it to the correct IP of your computer? does your computer have a static IP?

not all of those steps should be necessary. Try keeping your computer in the DMZ, and then re-enabling Windows Firewall and even Defender if you'd like, and try again.

it sounds like it's not being properly passed through the router, if moving into the DMZ appeared to be the end-result fix.
ya i actually opened the 800 port but with no use (at that time i was NOT on DMZ)

and yea i forwarded it probably to my static ip adress and enabled it .

the router itself im getting fed up of :S, (linksys wag325n)... it caused me problem is online gaming and still does...
bump urgently need help :S

maybe how should i configure the router , nothing is working atm :S
you may try checking for newer firmware.
reset to factory defaults and reconfigure.

a couple things to try.
not sure where should post this ..solutions i tried and did not work:

-turn off windows firewall/router firewall
-open the tcp 800 port on router
-enable DMZ
-turn off antivirus
-reset router

im really pissed and any thoughts are welcome :)

I'm sorry you DMZ'd a computer that had its windows firewall disabled?

well, time to format I think.
I'm sorry you DMZ'd a computer that had its windows firewall disabled?

well, time to format I think.

pc runs fine i even scanned it before and after ... no slowdowns, no slugs no nothing but still dont like it on dmz ..

Jesus wtf is wrong with this damn router .. i technically wide opened my pc and still cant get to that damn site

@j-sta im already on the latest firmware
ok interesting update i tried to access it through another computer in my same home network and it unbelievably worked.

note: did it work because that pc did not have a static ip address unlike mine ???

im dying to figure this out !
I still wouldn't trust that machine. Virus's are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and hundreds of thousands of dollars gets you spam relays that are hard for their victems to find.

Anyways, DHCP isn't complicated. You're sure the problem isn't just on their end?

Might be a problem in DNS, you might consider settings the problem PC up with OpenDNS?
problem is definitely not at their end cause i always downloaded from there easily days ago

well on the problem pc im on a static ip , you think i should get it back in random ip everytime ?
on the computer with issues, open a command prompt
ipconfig /all

and post it here.
well i changed it back on dhcp and still not working , you want me to get it back on statik and post a screenshot or ?
well i changed it back on dhcp and still not working , you want me to get it back on statik and post a screenshot or ?

well that pretty much says that something on that computer is hosed.

can you ping www871.megaupload.com ?

>ping www871.megaupload.com

Pinging www871.megaupload.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=222ms TTL=48

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 1, Received = 1, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 222ms, Maximum = 222ms, Average = 222ms

Default Server: vcns-1.gci.net

> www871.megaupload.com
Server: vcns-1.gci.net

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: www871.megaupload.com
ping www871.megaupload.com

that's what you would enter in at the command prompt.

and, you should see this:

Pinging www871.megaupload.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=222ms TTL=48

with a total of 4 replies, to that same IP address, and it will end with total stats.
aaahrrgh feel weird returning to an old topic, totally forgot about this and TILL now its not working heres ping on a recent download i tried

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\user>ping www.09.megaupload.com

Pinging www.09.megaupload.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=329ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=334ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=337ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=326ms TTL=48

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 326ms, Maximum = 337ms, Average = 331ms
still getting the same error message?
it's still working correctly on another computer in your house?

what AV program are you using? have you tried to disable it, temporarily, to see if it's the cause?
EDIT: Nevermind, I quoted an ANCIENT message.

It seems that your router is acting up. Perhaps try replacing it, if only with a borrowed one, and see if that helps.
still getting the same error message?
it's still working correctly on another computer in your house?

what AV program are you using? have you tried to disable it, temporarily, to see if it's the cause?

yep still do even on other pcs in house
EDIT: Nevermind, I quoted an ANCIENT message.

It seems that your router is acting up. Perhaps try replacing it, if only with a borrowed one, and see if that helps.

i think that's the only solution ... shame that i don't have cash now, borrowing will be an issue, ,,, you think iv i restore to factory then contact my isp for settings would do something ?

but anyways can someone explain the problem because i am absolutely shocked even after 2 months :eek:
if only 1 computer is having issues, it's very very very very doubtful it's a router-related issue.

something on your desktop is hosed.

sounds like it's time to format and reinstall Windows.