A few MISC questions (networking related) input needed **Newbie**


Oct 14, 2003
1st off mods I read the FAQ and did a few searches so if i am repetitive i apologize in advance. Also feel free to move this if need be.

ok time for the questions.

1. I am building a single tbird 1ghz little server stricktly for storage, burning cd's/dvd's and an email server. I will be running win 2K server. my question is my other 4 computers are running XP Pro. should i rollback to win 2k on all of them? or would me running on xp still be fine. looking for pros/cons. also please remember that my father uses the computers and he is not that technically advanced so XP is great for him.

2. i plan on running a raid 0+1 array (5x SCSI 9.1GB Quantums). 0+1 a good choice for secure storage/backup? what would you use.

3. Does my router need to be connected to the server or can i keep it where it is placed (at another computer)

4. What does everyone think about PCAnywhere? any better programs to do the same thing?

Thanks in advance everyone! I will update this thread with new questions. Thanks again for reading!
1. WinXP is a fine client for Win2k.

2. Since you're using Win2k server, use RAID-5, not 1+0... you'll have less overhead in the array with 5.

3. Is it connected to the network? if so, you're fine how it is

4. Again, use the tools that come with Win2k. Install terminal services in remote admin mode and go with that.
thank you VERY much for your input it is very appreciated.

1. What advantage is there if I run win2k clients though? anything other then stability?

2. Raid-5 was my original idea then changed it. Thanks i will do a little more research on the benefits then.

3. Yes it is connected to the network. Perfect :D

4. Install terminal services in remote admin mode and go with that. I am reading up on this now. can i still use remote acess on the xp pro clients?

Thanks again.. any other input is still appreciated
Originally posted by Mendes
thank you VERY much for your input it is very appreciated.

1. What advantage is there if I run win2k clients though? anything other then stability?

4. Install terminal services in remote admin mode and go with that. I am reading up on this now. can i still use remote acess on the xp pro clients?

Thanks again.. any other input is still appreciated

1. Nope, really a personal preference. Some people like win2k more than XP, others like XP more.

4. Shouldn't have a problem.


Mr. Pain
Ditto, Stanley Pain. :D

However, why Raid 0+1? What's controlling the Drives?

A hardware controller, or are you planning on creating a dynamic partition from within Win2000? Assuming it's a hardware controller, do yourself a favor and build it as a 4 drive raid5 array with a hot spare. That way if a drive ever dies the hot spare will take it's place in the array immedately (or at least theoretically ;)) giving you time to replace the other drive. Then it becomes the hot spare.

But if you are aiming for a Win2000 software raid then I'd reccomend 2 sets of mirrored drives. and leave the 5th out as a spare. Software raid5 is not really reliabile long term.

Also BTW if you want larger scsi drives and 1.6" high drives are ok, check out surpluscomputers.com I've snagged a few of their 10-packs of 18gb seagate's for a little over $100 after shipping.