A 1ghz P3 for Doom3?


Sep 14, 2001
Hey, ive asked around alot seeing if there is any chance in hell my computer with run Doom3 and no one can really give me a straight answer, so...

Intel Pentium 3 at 1ghz
Radeon 9800 Pro 128 megs
512 megs of DDR ram

What you guys think, im no good with computers so i really wouldn't know
if it will not run it, is there anything i can do so that it can, beside buying a whole new computer?

p.s i realize the minium spec's ask for a 1.5 ghz

Thank for you time

I'm sorry. No.

Your video card is nice though, but your mobo/CPU are just too old for this game. You can purchase one of the barebone options at NewEgg. Those are good starting points. You can go medium or high options, 3.0-3.2 P4 800fsb or the AMD FX series (kind of expensive though).

Ask around on here, but it'd also be good to find a enthusiast/tweaker that you can talk to in person to help you in assembling this system.
Well what kinda mobo you got? Can you o/c any? If you can get that PIII to hit 1.2Ghz its better than 1ghz. Anyway IMO I think you will be able to run it but not with all the eye candy on. I would bet money 800x600 about medium setting(or 1024x768 low detail) and it be playable with some studder here and there(but not to bad). Best thing you can do without having to buy a new CPU is buy another 512mb ram.

I don't think Doom III looks much better than Far Cry I think it just looks darker. It should run similar I think unless its poorly coded which I wouldnt think it would be since its been worked on for years. Can you run Far Cry without any problems if so I think you will be fine at about the same settings as Far Cry. I will tell you a gig of ram make a difference with load times and a game studdering. I added another 512mb to might with Far Cry and I seen zero studdering. Before upgrading it would studder some in big gun fights. I run [email protected],1gig OZC and a 9800np ran Far Cry 1024x768 max detail(including water) and some FSAA smooth. I am betting I get the same out of Doom III minus the FSAA. I don't care how many FPS I get as long as its playable.

EDIT: odd a P3 with DDR memory? Never heard of that but I aint no intel guru either. If you can o/c that P3 and get more memory I think you will be fine personally.
Youll be able to run low/medium settings 1024x768 but i think that would be worse than shooting yourself in the foot cause your cpu is the bottleneck =/
i c
ok thanks for the input, i was thinking of getting another 512 ram chip anyway to c how it goes, if it still runs shit then i might aswell upgrade it snice its pretty dam old...

heeheh ya it sure is a bottle neck
some once said to me your pc is holding your beautiful card back...
guess he was right :(
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
what does IMO mean?

In my opinion

Gyro yeah it really is. I think you should consider buying a 2500+ or similar and a mobo that will support your current memory(what speed is it exactly?) so you can just buy another 512mb and still use yours. You maybe able to use the same case and stuff just switch the parts out. I mean nows the time to upgrade. Doom III within a week and Half Life 2 in the next couple months(hopefully).

If your gonna upgrade now is really the best time I think.
GYRO said:
i c
ok thanks for the input, i was thinking of getting another 512 ram chip anyway to c how it goes, if it still runs shit then i might aswell upgrade it snice its pretty dam old...

heeheh ya it sure is a bottle neck
some once said to me your pc is holding your beautiful card back...
guess he was right :(

Just make sure that DDR is 400MHz and you'll be fine for upgrades :D
wow you really are holding that video card back.

time to upgrade there buddy :) so you can see the true power of that 9800pro.