90% of the things i download are corrupt


[H]F Junkie
Nov 30, 2000
lots of images look like this


mp3's i download get garbled up half way through, or simply refuse to play, lots of apps i download wont run because they are corrupt. but everything downloads fine with knoppix running on this comp, but internal network transfers are always fine...also this computer is being used as a router, and both computers behind it can download everything just fine... :confused:
Sounds like a case of bad RAM. Run Memtest :)
My guess would be a defective cpu. I had something similar and replaced a bunch of parts in my computer (including the video card) to find out the hard way that my cpu wasn't working properly.
KingFalcon said:
My guess would be a defective cpu. I had something similar and replaced a bunch of parts in my computer (including the video card) to find out the hard way that my cpu wasn't working properly.
but why would everything run fine under knoppix? and if it was a defective cpu wouldnt i have lots of other problems too like all the mp3's i ripped would have something wrong with them, and why wouldnt internal network traffic be affected?
Bad HDD cache memory? :)

At this point there are simply too many variables. You need to start with the most basic setup possible (mainboard, CPU/HSF, one stick of RAM, videocard, PSU, one HDD and a NIC if not onboard). Then, if you're able to recreate the issue with this setup, start swapping parts until you've narrowed it down to a single, or number of parts.
Have you tried creating several images using gimp or something like it? - since this would be local and not over your network it may eliminate some of your variables.
my vote is CPU being bad too. I have seen older Dell's at work that exhibit strange problems like that and we replace everything we can think of and in the end it's the CPU.
This happens no matter what program you use to download things?
Is Knoppix running off the HD or as a live CD? If a live CD you may want to test the HD to see if it's the culprit.

Also is the rig overclocked?
HHunt said:
This happens no matter what program you use to download things?
yeah MSIE and firefox does it

tdg said:
Is Knoppix running off the HD or as a live CD? If a live CD you may want to test the HD to see if it's the culprit.

Also is the rig overclocked?
no its not overclocked, knoppix is running off the cd
Elledan said:
Bad HDD cache memory? :)

At this point there are simply too many variables. You need to start with the most basic setup possible (mainboard, CPU/HSF, one stick of RAM, videocard, PSU, one HDD and a NIC if not onboard). Then, if you're able to recreate the issue with this setup, start swapping parts until you've narrowed it down to a single, or number of parts.
i'm going to have to say no on the bad hdd cache memory because i dont have any problems with hdd activity; i can rip cd's/dvd's jsut fine, transfer large files over my internal network, etc...
pigster said:
What happens when you zip/unzip some large files, any CRC errors?
just tried that, no errors at all

edit: is there a cpu testing program that works like memtest?
I really doubt it's the CPU causing errors like that. Usually when the CPU goes bad, it's either dead (no boot) or in a working state. If anything i'd suspect the motherboard before the processor if hte processor boots. My guess would be something with your internet dropping packets or something with your connection. 56k used to do that too me. Memory does not not give those problems either. I'm not totally sure though, that is really odd. I take taht back if the others are not having problems, I don't know what it could be.

If you want to test stablility in your CPU which might not do a damn thing for you, run Prime95 for a few hours. Use the second torture test on which mainly tests CPU stablity and heat I believe.
bboynitrous said:
I really doubt it's the CPU causing errors like that. Usually when the CPU goes bad, it's either dead (no boot) or in a working state. If anything i'd suspect the motherboard before the processor if hte processor boots.
No - the two or three times I've seen it happen at work - the computer booted fine. That's what took Dell so long to finally replace the CPU. Their on sight tech guy thought the same thing - "it can't be the cpu"...
freecableguy said:
CPU is damaged. I've seen this exact thing before. Definately the CPU.

but it downloads fine off of knoppix, and all internal network traffic is fine too
freecableguy said:
CPU is damaged. I've seen this exact thing before. Definately the CPU.
question: exactly what can go bad in a processor and have it still in working condition? Cache? i've never heard of it happening, but i'm sure if the cache goes bad, it would somewhat mimic bad system memory?
i really doubt is a bad processor, i can do cpu intensive things just fine, i have an uptime of over 29 days...
well after plugging it into my other ethernet port, everyting downloads fine now...but still all internal network traffic is going through the other port, and all file transfers through that one are fine... :confused:
Do you have an nForce motherboard? If so go to the Active Armor firewall properties and set the option Offloadable to Not Offloadable
prometheum said:
i really doubt is a bad processor, i can do cpu intensive things just fine, i have an uptime of over 29 days...
lol, reboot your system and see if it fixes it....
my vote is hardrive errors if he runs knopix from CD and everything else from the HD. Who makes your hardrive? I know that western digital has a program called Life Gaurd tools, it works with any kind of drive. Go to their website, and download Lifegaurd Tools 11. In that you can burn a bootable CD that will test your hardrives for errors.

I had something fairly similiar to this with a new SATA drive, I couldn't even write 0's to it. Turns out the SATA cable was crimped just enough to not make my entire computer boot.
prometheum said:
well after plugging it into my other ethernet port, everyting downloads fine now...but still all internal network traffic is going through the other port, and all file transfers through that one are fine... :confused:

I like the suggestion of checking for the active armor firewall.

I would also suggest setting the network port to 100/half and see if that works.. If so it's most likely a Autonegotiate issue. You may want to then try updated drivers.
Bop said:
Do you have an nForce motherboard? If so go to the Active Armor firewall properties and set the option Offloadable to Not Offloadable
yeah i do i'll check it out thanks for the tip
Why dont you reinstall windows or your network drivers if it works okay in knoppix?
Silent Assasin said:
my vote is hardrive errors if he runs knopix from CD and everything else from the HD. Who makes your hardrive? I know that western digital has a program called Life Gaurd tools, it works with any kind of drive. Go to their website, and download Lifegaurd Tools 11. In that you can burn a bootable CD that will test your hardrives for errors.

I had something fairly similiar to this with a new SATA drive, I couldn't even write 0's to it. Turns out the SATA cable was crimped just enough to not make my entire computer boot.
Over the last few years I have found that the harddrive is the cause of the corruption like the image above.

Also I had a bad network card do that once, of course it was from 1992
qb4ever said:
Over the last few years I have found that the harddrive is the cause of the corruption like the image above.

Also I had a bad network card do that once, of course it was from 1992

There still making bad network cards today. Well more like bad network drivers. We have had several Gigabit adapters come in that can not autonegotiate. They need their drivers updated.

That's why I suggested hard setting the speed and duplex to 100/half and giving it a try.
I know you fixed the problem, but just to verify: My old Athlon 900 CPU blew out its rendering capabilities and it could not render jpegs. It ran fine, but whenever I was on the web, jpegs would look like snow on a TV (though the rest of the page came up fine). I found out later that there were bad runs of that chip that caused this to eventually happen. It very well can be the CPU for future references, even though it seems to have not been the case here. The fact that things were coming through fine off of Knoppix clued you in that it was probably not the CPU to begin with, but I just wanted to second the claim that the CPU can run and boot fine and cause weird corruptions like that. I'm guessing it has something to do with the onboard instruction sets burning out.
Whats your internet connection like?

I had a similar problem with a Linksys router that was dying. It started corrupting everything. I changed it out and the problem went away.
I just installed the nforce4 drviers with the built in firewall and everything, and got the same issues as you. Everything corrupted, and download speeds halved. I uninstalled the firewall stuff, switched to the other port, and I'm back in action. Doesn't help the fact I want to use the firewall since I'm router-less though
It sounds like he did deactivate the firewall.

Did you try and set your NIC to 100/half ?
Nasty_Savage said:
I know you fixed the problem, but just to verify: My old Athlon 900 CPU blew out its rendering capabilities and it could not render jpegs. It ran fine, but whenever I was on the web, jpegs would look like snow on a TV (though the rest of the page came up fine). I found out later that there were bad runs of that chip that caused this to eventually happen. It very well can be the CPU for future references, even though it seems to have not been the case here. The fact that things were coming through fine off of Knoppix clued you in that it was probably not the CPU to begin with, but I just wanted to second the claim that the CPU can run and boot fine and cause weird corruptions like that. I'm guessing it has something to do with the onboard instruction sets burning out.

This was only a documented case on 1 specific production run of the K6-2 400MhzCXT core
Its a known fact that active armor needs to be set to Not Offloadable to avoid download corruption with the 6.66 drivers, tons of people have this issue and fixed it including myself.
Bop said:
Its a known fact that active armor needs to be set to Not Offloadable to avoid download corruption with the 6.66 drivers, tons of people have this issue and fixed it including myself.
well i wasnt aware of this fact...