8800 GTX ships without Vista driver


Dec 29, 2005
Bought a BFG 8800 GTX card, assumed I could get to run in Vista. It installs but as a VGA card. I am running the RTM that Technet subscribers can download from Microsoft. Sure is a shame since BFG advertizes it as the Vista ready card on thier site. Nvidia only has XP and Media Center drivers for it fo far. I saw the EVGA 8800 GTX kind shipped with a driver on the cd but have not been able to find it on the web anywhere. Any helped would be appreciated.

This would be expected due to logistics. Yes, the 8800 series is available to the public in retail channels, but is Vista? Most wouldn't be running unstable/beta drivers with an unstable O/S at this given time.
Yeah. Vista isn't released yet. Nvidia isn't obligated to help people run an operating system we shouldn't have yet.

We're totally allowed to have RCs, however, so it's not quite so black and white. However, drivers should ship for final, shipping operating systems only, so I can't blame BFG for not shipping drivers on CDs and NVIDIA for not having official ForceWare for Vista.

In any case, "Vista Ready" stickers don't necessarily mean that the CD contains Vista drivers. All it entails is that it will work in Vista at some point in time. Most of the hardware we have already is Vista ready.
Hurin said:
Yeah. Vista isn't released yet. Nvidia isn't obligated to help people run an operating system we shouldn't have yet.

So since we are allowed to use Vista should'nt there be a driver for us to use?
Another thing do you think they have even tested the 8800 series with Vista yet..?
Jhayman said:
So since we are allowed to use Vista should'nt there be a driver for us to use?
Another thing do you think they have even tested the 8800 series with Vista yet..?

I am pretty sure that Nvidia have tested the 8800 with Vista. How else would they test DX10? Why are you people in such a hurry to install Vista? There's nothing there for gamers. XP is doing a fine job now. Until DX10 games start flowing in, I am not even gonna bothered.
Jhayman said:
So since we are allowed to use Vista should'nt there be a driver for us to use?
Another thing do you think they have even tested the 8800 series with Vista yet..?
It's not a question of what we're allowed to have, it's a question of what NVIDIA is required to support. I'd also point out that Release Candidates don't entitle people to drivers.

Vista has not been officially released yet. Doesn't it make more sense for NVIDIA to focus on getting a stable, full-featured G80 driver released for a released operating systems rather than splitting their effort between the operating system everyone uses (XP) and one very few are using that won't be released to consumers (gamers) until 2007?

Nobody seems to be taking into account that even NVIDIA's Vista drivers for its older cards are crippled (no SLi, for example). Yet, they're now expected to have a good Vista driver for their new architecture. . . even while they haven't perfected its XP driver?

That's kookey talk. :D
Well, I guess my ATI card gets to hang around a bit longer. This is really dissapointing. I was going to pull the trigger on an 8800GTX purchase but I can't if Vista isn't supported yet. WTF? The OS is finished by the way. It's not RC as a previous poster suggests, it's RTM and it isn't going to change until the first service pack. It's just not on store shelves yet. Subscribers, system builders, volume license customers etc can get the RTM now.

Maybe this is a good thing? When Vista hits store shelves and nVidia has drivers available, ATI may have their card out and I can make a solid decision on which to get instead of grabbing an nVidia card now and then selling later if the ATI model is better. I game on a 24" screen so I need that extra performance to run max res, max settings in my games.
tesfaye said:
The OS is finished by the way. It's not RC as a previous poster suggests, it's RTM and it isn't going to change until the first service pack. It's just not on store shelves yet. Subscribers, system builders, volume license customers etc can get the RTM now.
"Not on store shelves yet" = no urgency on the part of NVIDIA to provide drivers to the comparitively tiny number of people who obtain (legally or illegally) the RTM build.

I am not "suggesting" that it's still at RC state. I'm saying that having a RC does not entitle people to drivers, nor does having an RTM build.

I myself have access to the RTM build. I'm just not going to use it because there aren't drivers. Rather than get all pissy about it, I just accept that NVIDIA (in all likelihood) will have drivers by the release date. . . and then I move on with my life.

NVIDIA is in the midst of releasing its next-gen technology. It has beaten ATi to that mark by a sizable margin (that may only increase). So, I cut them a little slack in this area if --in the crush to get a successful product shipped-- they need to focus on XP instead of an OS that isn't even officially released and very few people use. Meanwhile, ATi, being between releases, may indeed have a bit more time (and staff) to dedicate to a Vista driver. Bully for them.

Hurin said:
Yeah. Vista isn't released yet. Nvidia isn't obligated to help people run an operating system we shouldn't have yet.


Um, ya vista is out. Dell is shipping the disk, as well as others. Been out since the 15th.
Also the final version doesn't even need a code, it will work for 30days with out one. :D
I really need the vista x64 drivers as well :(

Edit: Oh btw posted using Mozilla Mindfield x64 on vista x64 ;)
vxspiritxv said:
Um, ya vista is out. Dell is shipping the disk, as well as others. Been out since the 15th.
Also the final version doesn't even need a code, it will work for 30days with out one. :D
I really need the vista x64 drivers as well :(

Edit: Oh btw posted using Mozilla Mindfield x64 on vista x64 ;)
I just love the way you guys think. Official release dates are official release dates. You guys can keep getting all pissy about un-registered CDs being shipped via OEMs, and being able to run RCs, RTMs, and trial versions. . . but that doesn't change the official release date. And I suspect NVIDIA considers the official release date (possibly even the "public" one rather than the "corporate" one) their deadline.

Microsoft has set November 30 as the release date for Vista (and Office 2007) to business customers and January 30, 2007 as the date for the official launch to consumers and The World At Large.
And I still don't understand. . .if we're going to get pissy about no Vista drivers for the 8800? Why isn't there outrage about the crippled one available for the earlier cards.

I just can't imagine installing a pre-official-release operating system and then getting pissy that drivers aren't available. It boggles the mind.

I've installed Vista five times since it reached Beta status. Each time I was disappointed with NVIDIA's driver support. But rather than get all indignant and inventing ways to feel entitled to them, I just thought: "I'll reserve my ire for after the Vista release date. . . since they're not obligated to help me with an operating system that isn't even released yet!"

Just can't understand people who are so "bleeding edge" that they must use Vista and only Vista now. . . but then get all butt hurt when they realize that they may need to revert to XP or dual-boot until driver support matures (when the product is officially released).
Waterboy said:
I am pretty sure that Nvidia have tested the 8800 with Vista. How else would they test DX10? Why are you people in such a hurry to install Vista? There's nothing there for gamers. XP is doing a fine job now. Until DX10 games start flowing in, I am not even gonna bothered.

Vista is for more than just games.
Vista has already benn released you apes! :p Im running a copy in dual boot mode right now! It just hasnt hit the stores yet. And im not running in some god damn trial mode, this is the full final copy, with a registered CD-key, Ultimate.
I noticed this on release day :) I was running RC2 with the intention of keeping it on until January and just installing the retail release on top of it. I did that with XP with no issues.
Personally I figured that since this card was designed for Vista and since the card hit the shelves so close to it's release that there'd at least be a beta driver. You'd think these same cards will still be sold in 6-9 months after all.
Anyway, I put XP back on just so I'm not crippled. The XP 97.02 driver isn't that great either. Lots of little errors and it even breaks a few games like San Andreas (lock-on "locks it up"). Supposedly they have some 10x series drivers that will be out in December/January that will have both an XP and a Vista installer built in. This is per the Nvidia forums. Looks like you'll either have to install the XP drivers and avoid anything that uses 3d (the XP drivers will lock Vista in 3d mode) or go back to XP like I did. Vista upgrades from XP pretty nicely so I don't think that's all that big of deal personally.
Vista has already benn released you apes! :p Im running a copy in dual boot mode right now! It just hasnt hit the stores yet. And im not running in some god damn trial mode, this is the full final copy, with a registered CD-key, Ultimate.

Yeah, I bet you are running the final... oh wait.. yeah.. I mean the leaked WinBeta RTM, which is the Ultimate version. I dare you to post a screenshot saying that you activated the 6000 Build. [/sarcasm] :rolleyes:
fireluxx said:
Yeah, I bet you are running the final... oh wait.. yeah.. I mean the leaked WinBeta RTM, which is the Ultimate version. I dare you to post a screenshot saying that you activated the 6000 Build. [/sarcasm] :rolleyes:

There are plenty of people with legal copies out there. RTM's been on MSDN for a few weeks. Granted there are likely lots more still running RC1, 2 and the "leaked" RTM...but not everyone is.
half of the people in this thread have no idea what they're talking about and are simply spouting asinine crap they heard from other people.


It's most definitely released. Any tech company now has the final shipping version complete with 100% of features. the OS is officially released to business. I would expect Nvidia to support the cards but unfortunately they do not.
Bigjohns97 said:
I heard they were releasing forceware X on nov 30th.

That was the plan, but looking at Nvidia's forum, it's now looking like late December or maybe as late as mid-January now.
I think it's amusing that people will potentially buy these currently boxed 8800 series cards in 6 months sans any drivers for an OS that MS and Nvidia have told 'em to buy!
computerpro3 said:
half of the people in this thread have no idea what they're talking about and are simply spouting asinine crap they heard from other people.

It's most definitely released. Any tech company now has the final shipping version complete with 100% of features. the OS is officially released to business. I would expect Nvidia to support the cards but unfortunately they do not.
It's like half of you people (while insulting others) have no concept of the difference between a public, official release, and making it available pre-release to the technical community.

As for "hearing it from other people". . . you mean like the Windows Vista website:
"Microsoft has announced that Windows Vista will be broadly available as a stand-alone product or pre-installed on new PCs on January 30, 2007.

Windows Vista will be made available to Volume License customers later in the month of November 2006."
You can continue to say it's "released." But. . . it's not. And, I wouldn't even be surprised if NVIDIA used the later January 30th date as their deadline for Vista support. The 8800gtx is for gamers. The 8800gtx doesn't exactly fit the "volume license" customer profile.

People should stop confusing what they would prefer, or their own particular circumstance, with what makes sense for NVIDIA and the vast majority of their customers.
After reading all the replies I guess everyone missed the part that EVGA has a driver for thier 8800GTX. And I am not moanig about not having support from Nvidia. I do wish they would at least put thier beta driver up. I know when you play on the cutting edge you do not have support most of the time. This card is gorgeous in XP. Plays Oblivion with all the settings to max. Since my job is part help desk it is very advantages’ to keep ahead of the questions. That is why I installed the Vista OS which worked great with my 7900 GT in SLI. And what is all this nosense about whether it is released to the public yet. The OS has gone golden. The coding is done. Some people have access to it for thier jobs. I want to see what kind of performance the first DX10 card can deliver. I know Vista is not ready for gaming, but I'll bet Falcon and Alienware will be selling Vista machines after November 30th. I have a feeling that the driver might show up around that time. Thanks for the comments. :D
Any news on drivers yet? I still have heard nothing and nvidia's forums have been offline, no doubt to all the posts of them being peons for pulling an ATI.
annaconda said:
This is the worst thing NVIDIA could have done.
Actually, the worst thing they could have done was not to have any Windows XP drivers. Since that is the driver that 99.9% of 8800 users will be using. The second worst thing they could do would be to spend a lot of time on Vista drivers even though Vista won't be available to the vast majority of consumer until January 30th while its Windows XP drivers still have so many problems.

Anyone bleeding edge enough to have an 8800gtx and Vista is bleeding edge enough to know how to revert to (or dual boot) Windows XP for gaming. In the meantime, NVIDIA will work on improving XP support and getting a Vista driver ready for its official release to consumers.
Hurin said:
Actually, the worst thing they could have done was not to have any Windows XP drivers. Since that is the driver that 99.9% of 8800 users will be using. The second worst thing they could do would be to spend a lot of time on Vista drivers even though Vista won't be available to the vast majority of consumer until January 30th while its Windows XP drivers still have so many problems.

Anyone bleeding edge enough to have an 8800gtx and Vista is bleeding edge enough to know how to revert to (or dual boot) Windows XP for gaming. In the meantime, NVIDIA will work on improving XP support and getting a Vista driver ready for its official release to consumers.

From many reports on this forum, the XP drivers for the 8800 series aren't stable and cause performance variations on reboot, among other things. I know you're very quick to defend nVidia for what it does, but despite their hardware hard launch, their software has hardly been a hard launch. :p
Hurin said:
Actually, the worst thing they could have done was not to have any Windows XP drivers. Since that is the driver that 99.9% of 8800 users will be using. The second worst thing they could do would be to spend a lot of time on Vista drivers even though Vista won't be available to the vast majority of consumer until January 30th while its Windows XP drivers still have so many problems.

Anyone bleeding edge enough to have an 8800gtx and Vista is bleeding edge enough to know how to revert to (or dual boot) Windows XP for gaming. In the meantime, NVIDIA will work on improving XP support and getting a Vista driver ready for its official release to consumers.
Well considering this thread has made me second guess upgrading to an 8800 on Friday because I run Vista RC2 I would say that the lack of Vista drivers is pretty bad idea for NVIDIA.

As for running dual boot, you sound like alot of Linux guys I know when they try and cram their "Linux is a good as Windows, and if something doesn't work you can dual boot.". Why would someone WANT to run two OS's?
Cyrilix said:
From many reports on this forum, the XP drivers for the 8800 series aren't stable and cause performance variations on reboot, among other things. I know you're very quick to defend nVidia for what it does, but despite their hardware hard launch, their software has hardly been a hard launch. :p
Actually, I'm pretty hard on NVIDIA and my point was that their XP drivers need work and that should be more urgent to NVIDIA than the relatively few pre-release Vista users who are wandering this forum all butt hurt that NVIDIA doesn't have a driver for them despite there being no compelling reason for there to be one. . . or for these people to be running Vista. :D
Hurin said:
Actually, I'm pretty hard on NVIDIA and my point was that their XP drivers need work and that should be more urgent to NVIDIA than the relatively few pre-release Vista users who are wandering this forum all butt hurt that NVIDIA doesn't have a driver for them despite there being no compelling reason for there to be one. . . or for these people to be running Vista. :D

Could have fooled me, you have defended their bone head move to the teeth with a dozen or so posts :rolleyes:

Moreover, Nvidia fans have been shoving it in ATi fans faces how they have the first DX10 card....yet they don't have a working driver for the only OS that supports DX10.

You can play semantics all you like about some stupid release party with balloons and confetti and what is in enthusiasts hands right now. The bottom line is hard core users buy hard core graphics cards like the G80 and Operating systems like Vista, you could imagine why they would be pissed off.

Far as I am concerned the G80 is a Direct 9X card with the phantom ability to do DX10.

What really is going to cook your noodle is what if Nvidia is holding on to their driver until ATi brings forth it's R600 to ward off people finding out some interesting numbers on how their card does in DX10. Better to let the public think your card is the bees knees and hope to sell as much as you can before ATi lays a smack down. It's doubtfull of course but it sure sounds like something Nvidia would do.
Guess what, if there were decent Vista drivers for the 8800, I'd be running Vista too.

The difference is that I don't automatically equate what I would prefer or like with what is the absolute correct thing for NVIDIA to have done.

There is no compelling reason for them to focus on a Vista driver right now, considering the other issues they need to tackle with the 8800 release.

As for semantics. . . if you think the geek community having access to the RTM build of Vista is synonymous with an official release to the consumer, I can't help you. The distinction is meaningful. . . and is clearly meaningful to NVIDIA, not to mention other companies such as HP, etc.

I'm not even going to bother to address that whole "withholding Vista support until R600" rant since even you admitted it's unlikely. . . though I'd use the term: "crazy ramblings of a lunatic." :p

I've tried three different builds of Vista. Each time, i was disappointed with the NVIDIA drivers. Instead of posting to various forums about how I am entitled to run pre-release software perfectly, I merely acknowledged that NVIDIA will in all likelihood have a decent driver by the time Vista is released. And then I reinstalled XP and moved on.
Hurin said:
Actually, I'm pretty hard on NVIDIA and my point was that their XP drivers need work and that should be more urgent to NVIDIA than the relatively few pre-release Vista users who are wandering this forum all butt hurt that NVIDIA doesn't have a driver for them despite there being no compelling reason for there to be one. . . or for these people to be running Vista. :D
It's funny how you want them to fix somewhat working drivers so "YOU" can be happy yet when others ask for ANY driver for Vista you seem to think we are asking for the world.

Bottom line is people are running Vista and should have at least somewhat working drivers for it. :rolleyes:

Look, you guys are hopeless. Just keep believing that whatever you desire is what makes sense for NVIDIA. Meanwhile, the other 99% of computer gamers will say: "Hmmm, no Vista drivers yet, I guess I'll stick with XP."

There is no compelling reason to be on Vista other than the fact that it would be cool (I've tried it myself and would love it if I could run my 8800 on it). But, because it is still pre-release and there are no drivers for my video card, there are compelling reasons to not use Vista.

Is that "selfish" of me? Am I somehow keeping your Vista drivers from you? No, I'm merely acknowledging reality and trying to understand why there are (understandably) no Vista drivers rather than just getting indignant and demanding them.

NVIDIA can't just snap its fingers and have drivers magically appear. They have to allocate resources and prioritize. Why, with everythign they having going on now, would they prioritize (pre-release) Vista drivers for that one or two percent of their user base while the other 98% of their user base that is using XP and still need drivers that don't cause problems?

If you want to characterize me as selfish for stating that it only makes sense for NVIDIA to focus on the vast majority of their customers rather than the tiny niche of pre-release Vista users. . . go ahead, but that's just silly. I'm just dealing with reality here and not equating what I would like with what NVIDIA should be doing.
|CR|Constantine said:
Moreover, Nvidia fans have been shoving it in ATi fans faces how they have the first DX10 card....yet they don't have a working driver for the only OS that supports DX10.
It is a DX10-capable card. There's no denying it that.

|CR|Constantine said:
The bottom line is hard core users buy hard core graphics cards like the G80 and Operating systems like Vista, you could imagine why they would be pissed off.
These "hardcore" users made the assumption that drivers would be downloadable (or actually on the disc!) for an operating system that has only been released to the development community and tech companies, and, furthermore, had not been released in a final form to anyone upon day-one availability of the card?

|CR|Constantine said:
What really is going to cook your noodle...
I'm not sure if "cook your noodle" is the correct phrase here, though your conspiracy theory is fairly amusing.

In any case, my only opinion here is that those who bought 8800-series cards have made a choice. They deliberately did so without a knowing a firm release date for a Vista-compatible driver release. They made a gamble here, and it hasn't gone their way. Should NVIDIA release a driver when Vista is released to the public? Yes. Are they entitled to do so prior to that release date? No. Should consumers be agitated? Perhaps so, but the comments I've seen here and elsewhere are generally summed up by:
This is the worst thing NVIDIA could have done.
That's mildly extreme.
stevel114 said:
After reading all the replies I guess everyone missed the part that EVGA has a driver for thier 8800GTX.

Huh? Are you saying EVGA has some driver for Vista that other nvidia OEMs don't?

phide said:
That's mildly extreme.

:confused: Is it cold hot and wet dry too?
I find no problem with "mildly extreme". If I did, I wouldn't have said it :)
The reason being why eVGA would have a driver is because of Dell. Dell uses eVGA cards in their systems, and will want the driver when they push out Vista on their systems.
fireluxx said:
The reason being why eVGA would have a driver is because of Dell. Dell uses eVGA cards in their systems, and will want the driver when they push out Vista on their systems.

OEM is irrelevant. A Nvidia driver is a Nvidia driver. There are no "OEM Specific" drivers that will only work with EVGA/Dell nvidia cards.
Vista hasnt been released to the general public hence there is no reason for Nvidia to issue a Vista driver before Vista's official release, I dont see the point of this thread at all.