7950gx2 at 1920x1200


Sep 12, 2006
First post ever here, but.....

I am about to place a new egg order and was wondering if an eVGA 7950gx2 would be able to spit out PLAYABLE 1920x1200 resolutions. I an building an SG01-E SFF system an my mobo isnt SLI capable, so this is my only choice. I was wondering about this resoluton since its the native on the monitor I am buying, the SONY P234. Also, I am going to have 2 gigs ram OCZ and an AMD X2 4800+.

Any hope for a good 1920x1200?

Also, think it would look good at 1650x1080 on that same monitor? if the 1920x1200 didnt work?

thanks fellas


I mean it load it up so it's more GPU intensive and less cpu. You should getvery playable fps on any existing game no problem.
i have dell 2407fpw lcd and i can run my cs source and dod source on 1920x1200 max detail and it never drops 100fps with my conroe rig on a 7900GT.

7950GX2 will definitly be able to do it BUT it depends on what game. FEAR wont be able to do max detail with 60fps average on 1920x1200.. oblivion too...
lol I can run any Source game at 1920x1200 w/ my current 7600gs. Just better coding ftw.

yes FEAR will not run great with it all on but at that res who needs all the options?
spaceman said:


I mean it load it up so it's more GPU intensive and less cpu. You should getvery playable fps on any existing game no problem.

How do you make a game less CPU intesive and more GPU intensive? Arent they both pumping away when you turn up settings?
Total bottlenecks are still pretty rare in the real world, but, no, eventually, either will come to a point where they simply cannot process as much to satisfy the capability of the other part. In games, the CPU processes a fair deal of trivial information, so with a totally bitchin' video card, it's possible to hit a CPU snag: the GPU ends up waiting for the CPU to finish processing data, so its full potential isn't utilized.

By cranking up image quality features (AA, AF, etc.) and in-game visual options, you can attempt to balance the equation: the video card is processing data as quickly as the CPU feeds it and no more. It's rare that you can make a game less CPU intensive. Disabling physics would do it, but 99% of the time, that's simply not an option (there's no alternative).

This is a pretty basic and not quite technically correct explanation, but you get the idea.
Actually, FEAR runs pretty well on my system at 1920x1200..I'm not at my system right now as it's being shipped to Tucson, Arizona in anticipation for my move there but the 7950GX2 really only starts to show its power and potential at 1600x1200 & 1920x1200.
The higher the resolution, the better the output. I game at 1680x1050 and man the GX2 is mindblowing.
wow, then thats one sexy biatch i got commin to me. my bday is wednesday, thats when my newegg gets here, with a sony 23" widescreen woo!
Dude, I have a 7950gx2 with a Dell 2405 (5 days until my 3007 arrives eheheheh) and the card runs 1920x1200 just fine.

The only game I've seen that will challenge the card at that resolution is OBLIVION, but hell dude there isn't a rig out there that isn't challenged by that game.
