7900gt can only run games at 1600x1200?


Mar 17, 2005
I recently installed vista on my desktop computer but I have been having problems with games. I've used the latest official drivers on the nvidia website and the more recent 162.22 release. However the problem remains the same. I can only run the game at 1600x1200. If I attempt to change the resolution to something else the screen will turn black but I can tell the game is still running due to the background sound. Sometimes depending on the game the computer seems to crash if I attempt to alt tab or close the program. I dont think my video card is going bad because it runs games fine at 1600x1200. I'm not sure what is happening so I'm hoping for some help here. Thanks
It's probably your display that can't handle a higher resolution, not the card. If the specs on your display say it can go higher, you might have to install a specific driver for it. Generic Windows drivers stick to "safe" settings. My guess, though, is that it tops out at 1600x1200. That's true of my 19" CRT, and it can only get even that high at a lousy refresh rate.
editted because guy above me was faster at typing;)

yea, sounds like your displays max resolution is 1600x1200 (which is the case in most CRTs) get a better/bigger display if you want to play at higher res