6800GT Idle temperature.


Limp Gawd
Aug 16, 2004
When my 6800GT is idling it is at 63C. Is this normal?

When I play BF2, after a couple of rounds I start getting massive slow-down. Could it be over-heating?
When I had mine it idled around 59-62C so yeah that's normal. These are some hot-running chips. However it slowing down like that is not. Maybe you should blow the dust outta that thing to bring down those load temps...
When my 6800GT is idling it is at 63C. Is this normal?

When I play BF2, after a couple of rounds I start getting massive slow-down. Could it be over-heating?

Download Rivatuner, and start recording the temperature before you start the game, and after the slowdown, or whatever... exit the app and check out what the temps were around that time.
6800gt's tend to be hot cards, mine would idle up to 67-68C if it was really hot outside with no AC, and it would pretty routinely go into the high 80s, even low 90s while gaming without any problems. So your idle temp shouldn't worry you too much, but if you're not sure how hot it's getting while gaming just use RivaTuner or something to monitor the temperature levels while gaming. You can also see the speed at which your card is running, so you can tell if it's slowing itself down due to excess heat.
Ok, I downloaded rivatuner, but how do I make it record the temperatures?
Download Rivatuner, and start recording the temperature before you start the game, and after the slowdown, or whatever... exit the app and check out what the temps were around that time.

You can have the current official control panel, you can record temps.
Mine used to idle at about 65C and load at 90-93C. Then I bought an Arctic Cooler for it and it dropped the temps to ~52c idle and ~75C load (high 50s when I'm playing WoW).

Worked like a charm, and it's cheap.
Sounds like your card is overheating. Remove these screws, take off the faceplate and clean the dust out of the heatsink.
I cleaned it out, and now the idle temp is at 58C. There were a few spots where the heat sink was clogged with dirt. I'll see if it still slows down in BF2.

yeah that looked a tiny bit on the high side for idle, but it's not unusual at all for 6800 series cards. They are hot tomales.
I cleaned it out, and now the idle temp is at 58C. There were a few spots where the heat sink was clogged with dirt. I'll see if it still slows down in BF2.

A can of compressed air should do the trick removing that sort of stuff.
BF2 runs great now, other than the occasional annoying glitch that the game is know for.

I didn't have a can of air handy, so I just closed my eyes and blew on it. :)