3dmark03 and GFX6800


Limp Gawd
Mar 20, 2004
IS this right the Geforce fx 6800 get double the score of the 9800xt? Is that a trick or is that real. IF so im getting ir first day it comes out.
at 800x600
at 1024x768 you see almost 12k.

which definately isnt bad
3dmarks dont really mean much anymore tho.
but they help to get somewhat of an idea.
I just saw the 9800xt got 68 something and the geforce got around 11k almost double, but damn almost 100% better in performace.
3dmarks dont really mean much anymore tho.

I see that you've been successfully brainwashed by the year-long smear campaign conducted by:

-nVidia (annoyed that their NV30 hardware was exposed by 3dM 03), and

-the media (annoyed that Futuremark has been trying to boss them around regarding the publishing of results gotten with unapproved drivers)

If 3dMark 03 really didn't mean much anymore, the scores wouldn't match up with real world experiences as well as it continues to do. Do you think it's a coincidence that the 9800XT, the most powerful hardware (until today), had the highest scores in 03 and 01SE?
Originally posted by onetwo
I see that you've been successfully brainwashed by the year-long smear campaign conducted by:

-nVidia (annoyed that their NV30 hardware was exposed by 3dM 03), and

-the media (annoyed that Futuremark has been trying to boss them around regarding the publishing of results gotten with unapproved drivers)

If 3dMark 03 really didn't mean much anymore, the scores wouldn't match up with real world experiences as well as it continues to do. Do you think it's a coincidence that the 9800XT, the most powerful hardware (until today), had the highest scores in 03 and 01SE?

That doesn't masque the fact that

1. nVidia drivers 'cheat' on 3DMark, giving users a false illusion of performance that isn't actually there (and cheat on games, fyi).

2. 3DMark's engine is not used in any game, period -- therefore it's not a real-world benchmark for users interested in game performance.

Yes, 3DMark is alright to compare cards, but only when drivers don't cheat.. and thanks to nVidia, you can no longer use 3DMark as a reliable, trustable 3D comparison tool.
Originally posted by Tower
That doesn't masque the fact that

1. nVidia drivers 'cheat' on 3DMark, giving users a false illusion of performance that isn't actually there (and cheat on games, fyi).

2. 3DMark's engine is not used in any game, period -- therefore it's not a real-world benchmark for users interested in game performance.

Yes, 3DMark is alright to compare cards, but only when drivers don't cheat.. and thanks to nVidia, you can no longer use 3DMark as a reliable, trustable 3D comparison tool.
Haha, I love the ATI fanboys.
I play games....

I can't play 3DMark...

Therefore I don't care what 3DMark scores anything gets...

As long as it plays games better than something else... who cares about 3DMark
Originally posted by onetwo
I see that you've been successfully brainwashed by the year-long smear campaign conducted by:

-nVidia (annoyed that their NV30 hardware was exposed by 3dM 03), and

-the media (annoyed that Futuremark has been trying to boss them around regarding the publishing of results gotten with unapproved drivers)

If 3dMark 03 really didn't mean much anymore, the scores wouldn't match up with real world experiences as well as it continues to do. Do you think it's a coincidence that the 9800XT, the most powerful hardware (until today), had the highest scores in 03 and 01SE?

i just know if your a true enthusiast (benchmarkers + gamers), you dont play games at
800x600 and 1024x768 (unless you ultimately have to due to game performance)

and before you talk about me being brainwashed and other 3rd parties make me think the way i do, you should look at the results.

the 6800 3dmark is not double that of the 9800xt but yet in benchmarks showing fps and aa/af you see more than double performance gains in a lot of games.

how about you mouthwash my cock before you talk about me being brainwashed.

Originally posted by Bad_Boy
i just know if your a true enthusiast (benchmarkers + gamers), you dont play games at
800x600 and 1024x768

True enthusiast? I play games at 1024x768...

I overlcock just like anyone else but it's not for benchmarks... it's because I wasnt my stuff to perform better so my games perform better.

You better watch yourself before you start getting an elitist attitude...

A TRUE enthusiast... bah... :rolleyes:
uh yeah.... did you know that the drivers that they are using arent mature yet?!!?!?!?!?! plus the R420 hasnt been released yet to there is no point on ranting on and on on a card that you have nothing to compare too.... untill the R420 is released and both cards have mature enough drivers there is not point of flamming/fighting/arguing....
It's probably little more than just driver optimization. They got screwed over when 3D Mark 2003 first came out, so they wanted to make sure things went their way. Synthetic benchmarks are worthless anyways.
3dmark is worthless for comparisons of other systems.

the only thing you can compare a score to would be your previous score after you OC'ed or tweaked latencies...

and that my friends is IT... imho of course..

as far as farcry goes it seems the 6800 is better but not double. (actually not much better)

[h] article shows it.
they can't be cheating too much because 60.72 is on Futurmark's approved list.
The fact that the 3dMark 03 engine isn't used by games isn't relevant. What *is* relevant is that 3dMark 03 scores continue to be very reliable indicators of the performance one can expect from DX9-capable GPUs.

03 says that 9800 Pro is a powerful card (by standards from 24 hours ago, of course ;)). So do the games.

03 says that 9800XT is around 5-10% faster than the Pro. So do the games.

03 says that non-driver-optimized NV30 performance is noticeably less than that of R3xx GPUs. So do the games.

03 says that the 6800U is a generational leap over current hardware, providing ~100% faster performance in all non-CPU-limited situations. So do the games.

So please explain to me again why the 3DMark 03 is a worthless benchmark with no bearing on reality. Seriously.
because cpu and ram have pretty much no effect on it, where as in games they have a huge impact. (a while back, someone got almost the same score with a 9800 pro in both a 2.4 ghz p4 and a 450 mhz p2, definately not a good reflection of game performance)
Originally posted by Merlin45
because cpu and ram have pretty much no effect on it, where as in games they have a huge impact. (a while back, someone got almost the same score with a 9800 pro in both a 2.4 ghz p4 and a 450 mhz p2, definately not a good reflection of game performance)
It's called 3Dmark for a reason... its supposed to measure performance in your GPU. Had it been designed to test your system they would have called it something like PCMark. Get the drift? I see it as being a very valid GPU performance gauger.
Originally posted by Merlin45
because cpu and ram have pretty much no effect on it, where as in games they have a huge impact. (a while back, someone got almost the same score with a 9800 pro in both a 2.4 ghz p4 and a 450 mhz p2, definately not a good reflection of game performance)
When I went from a 1800+ to a 2500+ oced to around 3200+, my score in 03 went up something like like 500pts. By what you said you make 3Dmark sound even better as you can tell the real performance of a card no matter what system it's on, so the cpu and ram don't get too much in the way as what happened with 3Dmark01.

Many people have already made good points that prove 3Dmark is a good tool. It has many good purposes, so why keep pointing out things you wouldn't use it for. Like if you had a hammer, it would be good to use with nails, but then someone would come out and say, well it doesn't work with screws, so screw it :)

Just because 3Dmark can't cover all situations doesn't make it worthless.
'No effect?' Remember, as far as the shelf life of the benchmark is concerned, we're still in the early days of 3dMark 03's life. Except for maybe GT1, it's still very much GPU-limited app, as it should be -- it's a graphics performance tool.

When we start seeing 15k+ scores on the strength of the GPU like we do in 01SE, THEN it'll become a good barometer for system performance in other areas.

Also, remember that at the 'low' score of 6000, a 500 point increase is nearly 10%. A small raw number increase doesn't mean anything -- it's the percentage change that counts.
yes, but that doesn't mean it is a good reflection of gaming performance, like 2k1 was.
Originally posted by Merlin45
yes, but that doesn't mean it is a good reflection of gaming performance, like 2k1 was.

True, just because you get a huge score in 3Dmark, doesn't mean you can play Halo super fast, but you could judge that you could play it nearly twice as fast compared to a card that got half the score you got in 3Dmark.
01SE is a good reflection of DX7/8 game performance -- that's 99% of everything out there. All of the high end GPUs can handle these games, so most are limited by other aspects of the system.

03 is a DX9 benchmark. Its results seem to hold water when compared against the performance in a game like Halo.
but also take into account that a 2k1 score reflects your processor, ram and gpu, they all effect it significantly, like in a real game, in 2k3, the only thing that really matters is the gpu, unlike a real game, doubling your 2k3 score could only equate a 5% increase in game if you are cpu bound, whereas doubling your 2k1 score will have far more tangible results.
Originally posted by Jason711
3dmark is worthless for comparisons of other systems.

the only thing you can compare a score to would be your previous score after you OC'ed or tweaked latencies...

and that my friends is IT... imho of course..

3D Mark is a good tool for tuning YOUR system to make sure the things your doing are giving you some gains in performance.
Originally posted by zoltan
ROFL, who cares if they cheat on games... doesnt that just mean better for the consumer you fucking dolt.

Are you on crack ? they cheat on games.. you play with washed out graphics and crippled quality to get a decent fps.. It might be better for average dumb joe that cant even tell the difference.. is your middle name Joe btw ?
Originally posted by Emret
Are you on crack ? they cheat on games.. you play with washed out graphics and crippled quality to get a decent fps.. It might be better for average dumb joe that cant even tell the difference.. is your middle name Joe btw ?

Nope, Full name is "David Harold Barnard". i play all games 8xAF, 6xAA and get good fps on all games including such Farcry, UT2k4, and CoD. Thanks for trying to look like you show some bit of intelligence but you need some work with the insults. k thanks bye.
Originally posted by zoltan
ROFL, who cares if they cheat on games... doesnt that just mean better for the consumer you fucking dolt.

Zoltan I have noticed a trend. Many threads you participate in end up in a flame war... most of them because you said something similar to this. I am not saying the other guy isn't just as much at fault, but I am saying that you seem to be a factor in many flame wars started around here.

Keep it civil man and keep the insults down... makes it better for everyone.

"ROFL, who cares if they cheat on games... doesn't that just mean better for the consumer." That would have sufficed.

Just a thought... :D
Originally posted by Emret
Are you on crack ? they cheat on games.. you play with washed out graphics and crippled quality to get a decent fps.. It might be better for average dumb joe that cant even tell the difference.. is your middle name Joe btw ?
I got an idea. How about you read some of the IQ comparisons. Until then, here's a link for you:

obs.. that link proves my point even more.. Did I say anything about ATI or Nvidia ? does it really matter who cheats ? Its the same result you get. crippled graphics

zoltan : Im pretty sure everyone who read this thread would agree that you really matured on the matter of insulting.. I presented a valid point and all you could do was insult more.. Way to go be a troll,, have fun with the washed out graphics
Originally posted by Tower
That doesn't masque the fact that

1. nVidia drivers 'cheat' on 3DMark, giving users a false illusion of performance that isn't actually there (and cheat on games, fyi).

2. 3DMark's engine is not used in any game, period -- therefore it's not a real-world benchmark for users interested in game performance.

Yes, 3DMark is alright to compare cards, but only when drivers don't cheat.. and thanks to nVidia, you can no longer use 3DMark as a reliable, trustable 3D comparison tool.

1. NVIDIA's driver don't cheat at 3dmark currently.

2. 3dmark comes from the developers of Max Payne, and REAL GAME ENGINE technology is used.


Dumbass. Fanboy.
Originally posted by evilchris
1. NVIDIA's driver don't cheat at 3dmark currently.

2. 3dmark comes from the developers of Max Payne, and REAL GAME ENGINE technology is used.


Dumbass. Fanboy.

Oh my god. I never pick on cheeze but this is about to drive me nuts. People like you lower the quality of this forum by insulting and swearing every time someone has a different opinion from you.

Putting "Dumbass. Fanboy." was entirely unnecessary. Did you NOT read the forum rules. Be civil man.

Just give your opinion and leave your insults out of it. It ISN'T necessary when conveying an opinion.
Originally posted by pbXassassinX1524
It's called 3Dmark for a reason... its supposed to measure performance in your GPU. Had it been designed to test your system they would have called it something like PCMark. Get the drift? I see it as being a very valid GPU performance gauger.

When you make such a statement you should know that
your processor, system chipset, and memory have alot to do with 3D applications or games :) SPECIALLY your processor
Originally posted by Merlin45
but also take into account that a 2k1 score reflects your processor, ram and gpu, they all effect it significantly, like in a real game, in 2k3, the only thing that really matters is the gpu, unlike a real game, doubling your 2k3 score could only equate a 5% increase in game if you are cpu bound, whereas doubling your 2k1 score will have far more tangible results.

I agree with him ^^ Very well put!

And also

Futuremark Certifying drivers means what to anyone?
Originally posted by Spinal
Oh my god. I never pick on cheeze but this is about to drive me nuts. People like you lower the quality of this forum by insulting and swearing every time someone has a different opinion from you.

Putting "Dumbass. Fanboy." was entirely unnecessary. Did you NOT read the forum rules. Be civil man.

Just give your opinion and leave your insults out of it. It ISN'T necessary when conveying an opinion.

You registered 3 months before me. OMGz! Also, post count and lame little titles mean nothing to me.

I call it like I see it. His statement was asinine and deserved the statements.
Originally posted by Digital Viper-X-
I agree with him ^^ Very well put!

And also

Futuremark Certifying drivers means what to anyone?

It means that the drivers don't cheat on the app, nullifying ATi fanboys using "NVIDIA cheats" as a reason to refute the fact that the 6800 annhilates the 9800XT at it.