3200 Venice


May 2, 2005
I'm thinking about getting the AMD 3200 with the Venice core. How is the general performance with this processor? How easy is it to overclock? This will be my first build, and I'm looking for some basic things with the option to OC in the future.

Thanks for your input!
performance is.. well it depends on what you're upgrading from. it's a decent cpu, though in dire need of overclocking.

and overclocking is as hard as you want to make it. it can be as simple as dropping the memory divider and ht link multi and bumping up the fsb (htt) until you find the top end of the chip, or it can be extremely involved
From what I've read about the 3200 it will fulfill the role that I mainly need it for without any OCing. And as far as OCing goes with this chip, I probably wouldn't push it further than turning it up to about a 3500 or so.
My friend just got his today. I'll let you know how well it runs and how well he can oc it cause i know he's going to. He told me that they oc very very well. Usually better than a winchester. But real world testing will prove that. anyway, if i can remember, i'll let you know how it goes.
People have been getting some really nice overclocks with the venice cores, and one can be found on newegg for only $204(that is for a retail processor with warranty + heatsink)
You should check out the Revision E Overclock thread. All are clocking well past 4000+ speeds. This processor is a LOT easier to overclock than something like a P4 because you can use the retail heatsink without worrying about overheating.
I ordered mine and it looks like fedex will be visiting me tomorrow. If you are looking for a $200 AMD processor, I would have to say that this is the chip to get.
I think that the Venice cores are down to 202 now. I'm pretty sure I'm going to grab a 3200 and maybe go as high as 3800 speeds because that would be more than enough for what I need to do.

Edit: That price is the retail box.
I also just took the plunge!

I just purchased a 3000 Venice and a Gigabyte nforce 3 ultra board (dont want PCI-E, but do want dual channel ram)

I wanted a X2 but I needed 64 bit NOOOOW!!!

I cant wait!
Haha, yours truely has also taken the plunge, I've got my DFI Ultra-D and 3000+ Venice on the way.....arriving on wednesday. :D :cool: