3 key limit in keyboard


Limp Gawd
May 19, 2002
I use my keyboard to fly in BF1942 and I need to use 4 keys. Everytime I try to use more than 3 my mobo beeps and my controls freeze until I let go.

Is this a limitation of my keyboard? Would buying another one solve this problem? I have a free Compaq keyboard that came with that AmEx deal awhile back.
It's not necessarily 3 keys, but WHICH 3 keys. In the right combinations, 2 might cause a problem, or you might be able to do more without trouble. It all depends how many circuits your keyboard uses in the key matrix, and how exactly they're arranged.

Older keyboards with individual key switches (rather than film) tend to be better about this.
that is a great question. i get the same thing in other games, on two different machines with two different computers. i wonder what's up
I constantly have my finger on "W" and I tap or hold a combination of the cursors, "A", "D", spacebar and ctrl.
Like Othersider pointed out, this is a common issue with (mostly) cheaper keyboards.

The 10 Euro keyboard I'm using does not have this limitation :)
get a good (read: Logitech) usb keyboard. I also have used some grey Silicon Graphics USB keyboards, and they're great. You can ebay one for pretty cheap, IIRC.
hyperion916 said:
I constantly have my finger on "W" and I tap or hold a combination of the cursors, "A", "D", spacebar and ctrl.

I had this problem when playing on my old keyboard....

I fixed it by changing the controls.

Change the spacebar's bind to the "0" key on the numpad, and it should work. And it is just as comfortable. I can only assume you are flying a plane when doing this.
you need to buy a belkin nostromo... I use that in combo with the keyboard to fly in bf1942 and it's mods and every other game I play
pft...saitek gamer's keyboard + mx1000 mouse = happy gamer. Though it does take some time to get used to each of them.
I've had a lot of cheap keyboards that lock up and beep also. But I was holding space, tapping A,D, holding cntrl, while hitting F or G, and hitting E. Good ol' Team Fortress Classic. I bought the Logitech Elite Keyboard and it's great, never had a single lock up.