3.5 hours later, I have a new, clean install


Limp Gawd
Mar 22, 2002
of XP Pro. What a difference. I belive it took longer to download and install the 500 or so updates from Microsoft than it did to reformat and reinstall:)

Just thought the amount of updates was hilarious:)
To save time, you should look into Ghosting an image of your clean install. I'm planning on writing a guide for this that will be published on a few sites around the world (thanks, Catweazle!). Clean installs are great, but can be time consuming when you fact in app installs, custom settings, etc. You can have a nice clean image loaded on a bootable DVD, ready to go.
You're exactly right...after all the updates were installed, I did exactly that:)
djnes said:
I'm planning on writing a guide for this that will be published on a few sites around the world...

Let me know when you get that done. I definitely want to read it.
I always want to do an image after an install....but I get lazy, and install different things every time I reformat
That was part of my problem. I'd finish a clean install, and dive right into loading games or something that I'd bypass the image. As soon as my replacement Ballistix memory comes, I'll be making a fresh image for my C2D.
Aratech said:
Let me know when you get that done. I definitely want to read it.
Definitely. I think I might do it in Virtual PC 2004, so I can grab some screenies of the Ghost process.
never liked nLite....I wrote my own unnattended install, since I could never figure that damn thing out
98EXL said:
never liked nLite....I wrote my own unnattended install, since I could never figure that damn thing out
Works great for me. Managed to get XP installed in a Virtual Machine in under 11 minutes (on a P4 2GHz w/ 2GB of RAM). (From power on to loading the taskbar was all automated).
I used to make 'restore' discs for my PC with TrueImage (and Ghost before that) but I've found that I upgrade my hardware so much it really makes these restore discs/partitions useless. *shrug*
fibroptikl said:
Works great for me. Managed to get XP installed in a Virtual Machine in under 11 minutes (on a P4 2GHz w/ 2GB of RAM). (From power on to loading the taskbar was all automated).

yeah, nLite was good for automation, but I just wrote my own self install disc. That was actually more fun, learned how the hell to 'script' a build