2x MST OC 8800 ultra's To louad Please help


Sep 8, 2006
O I went on a limb here to play the best looking games in the wourld and I had a 8800gtx (pny grx). I said screw it I want the best for the bad asss games comming out soon so I bought 3 MSI (nx8800 ultra) or model # (t27068e) I installed there there software which I hope would quiet the mighty cards down during sleeping time :( These cards are great in sli but I need sleep and not a furnace in my room. Can some one tell me how to quiest them down cuase I changed the dole core settings and all they did was change the overclocking. Iwouldnt mind some decent desktop fund with out having fans buzzing at mach 5 :( some one please help

my systemspecs:
asus p5n32-3 sli
q6600 with bad ass fan (not overclocked 1/4 of what it can do.

I live in texas id like to drop the heat down in my room :p
I belive speedfan, ntune and riva tuner give you the tools to control the gpu fan speed.
If you're up for it, post in the Overclocking/Cooling section of this forum, and see about water cooling.
Otherwise look for some aftermarket heatsinks, but TBH I think you should go for water cooling.
If you are running them in SLI which it sounds like you are, yes, they will be loud because the fans need to run at 90-100% to expel the heat they generate.