2nd drive format in winXP, help


Jan 23, 2003
I have 2 hard drives in a computer, the 2nd hard drive is not partitioned or formatted. Windows XP does not see the drive in MY computer, howerver it is listed in Device manager.

Simple question, can I partition and format this drive in Windows XP? Or must I use a boot up disk?

Can I use the windows XP cd? I tried that but I don't know the commands to type in to format the drive.

I'm sure this is common.. I guess windowsXP can only see partitioned drives.
So start - control panel - administrative tools - Computer Manager.
Under the 'storage' section, click 'disk management' in the left pane.
You should have a 'Disk 1' in the bottom right corner, with no partition assigned. Right click on that area and create a new partition and format it (I can't remember the exact command.)
A full format (not quick) would be a good idea on a new drive.
THanks, got it formatted. Don't have partition magic.. but the other worked.. But thats for both your help