27 or 30 inch for 3 monitor setup


Limp Gawd
Jul 17, 2008
So I did a little digging and didn't quite find the anwer I'm looking for.

I'm getting ready to build another computer with the thought of having a 3 monitors setup for my display. I have a 24 inch BenQ, but I was thinking of upgrading for the bigger effect. I play FPS-type video games and input lag is a factor.

The question is this:

Is the viewing performance different from the 27 to 30 inch monitors and can I get buy a 30 inch monitor without sacrificing performance.

30" push much more pixels, so you'd need more powerful video card setup. 30" are generally 2560x1600. 27" is 1920x1080/1200 or 2560x1440.
You're going to be pushing serious pixels at those resolutions. I've got 3x22 inch1050x1680 in portrait. Lot less demanding but still taxing a single 680gtx. About the same numbers as running a 30 inch HP zr30w. I've thought about getting two more 30 inchers and do portait surround. I'll need at least SLI to get somewhat decent performance and there lies the problem. Make sure the games you use play nice with dual or tripple SLI. The ones I play, mainly flight simulators, don't. I'm basically holding off 3x30 untill either my programs get optimized for SLI or a single card solution shows up. By that time high rez monitors will've come down more in price. Conclussion, there's no free lunch. At high rez you're going to be buying top of the line gpu's in SLI or you'll be watching a slide show.
I'd go with 3 27" 2560x1440 monitors. 30's are nice, but you have almost no selection of mounting solutions for it. I don't believe any of the 30's can do portrait mode without being removed from their stands and mounted differently or to something else entirely. Though I haven't kept up with them all that well. But I'm pretty sure the ZR30w can't be turned without being removed from the stands and their bezels stripped. I know for a fact the Dell 3007WFP-HC's can't.

That's a lot of pixels either way. You have to keep up with video cards every generation essentially. And unfortunately 3-Way and 4-Way GPU scaling is pretty bad a lot of the time and of course becomes cost prohibitive. Alternatively you can use 1920x1080 27" monitors but those look like ass. I'm not sure what panels those typically are but I'm going to guess most of them aren't IPS and as a result their viewing angles might not be the best for a multimonitor setup of that size.
any one know of any links to pictures with three koreans monitors in portrait mode?

That setup would be only about $1K --- put the display with the least issues in the center, and put the displays with issues on the L and R.

Might work out...