2560x1600 brethren get in here


Aug 21, 2003
I just picked up a 30" monitor and I'm wondering how you guys manage your window sizes. It would be nice to open up Explorer and my browser (Chrome atm) at 1280x1600 (half-screen) as a default. Actually I think I'd like that to be the default window size. Any tips?
I'll try to descibe how I have mine setup, but I'll probably just post a screen shot. On the left of my screen I have 2 IE windows 1 on the top 1 directly below it, and then in the center give or take, I have a full sized IE window for pages i'm actively browsing. On the far right hand side of the monitor I have my msn convo windows along with winamp.

Most ghetto picture:eek:
I just picked up a 30" monitor and I'm wondering how you guys manage your window sizes. It would be nice to open up Explorer and my browser (Chrome atm) at 1280x1600 (half-screen) as a default. Actually I think I'd like that to be the default window size. Any tips?

Check out UltraMon, I'm quite sure that you can make shortcuts to an application that resizes the windows to a certain size.
The beta (which you are supposed to run in Vista) didn't work so well for me though.
why multiple windows of IE? Just use tabs? saves alot of space.

I run Firefox at like 2/3rd the window, and i keep my itunes minmized. I use to have dual 24" and i switched to a 30", but i missed having two monitors so now i have a 20" lcd on the side. soooo much better for chatting, music and such....
I have my streaming quotes and trading software running, and I need to alway be able to see that stuff, thats why i don't use tabs on those windows.
why multiple windows of IE? Just use tabs? saves alot of space.

I run Firefox at like 2/3rd the window, and i keep my itunes minmized. I use to have dual 24" and i switched to a 30", but i missed having two monitors so now i have a 20" lcd on the side. soooo much better for chatting, music and such....

Theres barely any point in having a browser wider than 1024 pixels imho. If you loose anything it's only commercials anyway so it's a win-win situation and it allows for at least two browsers side by side and still place to spare. I seldom just surf at one page at the time and tabs sure is great but not optimal. The combination of tabs and windows is more efficient.