2405 Possible ghosting, (WoW)


Mar 16, 2005
Hey all, I got my 2405 last friday and at first glance it looked great,
This is the first LCD monitor I've ever owned or used.

Most of the first hand reviews of the monitor cited zero ghosting in many FPS games.
I primarily play WoW which i consider to be a bit less graphicly intense and demanding then the new FPS'ers.

I've started to notice what i think is ghosting.

- Whenever i'm moving or turning, things are slightly blurry, and when I stop, they are crystal clear again.

- When im moving or turning in some outdoor forest zones in WoW, the landscape seems to shimmer.

When i'm stationary, the image is just breathtaking.

Also when I tried to do what a friend suggested, opening up solitaire and dragging a card, i could see the edge of the card and the number ghost as i dragged the card around.

How much ghosting if any, have other people seen? Especially those playing WoW?

(I even upgraded video cards, from an x800se to an x800xl to see if that improved things).

Or are there any settings that i might be missing or things i've done wrong because basicly everyone I've seen so far, say they haven't seen any ghosting. I'm particullary interested in people who play WoW, about ghosting and the shimmering I've been seeing.
(Maybe I'm just not going to be happy with anything but a CRT)

Hi Glayde...

What you've described there is what just about every LCD monitor in the world does. Fortunately, the 2405FPW manages to keep ghosting to a very healthy minimum - imo - but it's still there. I've just done the solitaire test and I get some TINY but visible ghosting too. I tested it on my 2nd monitor afterwards, and its much, much worse (an older, 25ms Samsung Syncmaster 172v, so you'd hope there WOULD be a difference! ;)).

If it sets your mind at rest, the Dell 2005FPW, 2001FP and 1800FP that were my previous screens all exhibited stronger ghosting than this screen. The 2005FPW was very close, but ghosting was definitely more evident imo. The 2001/1800FP actually got away with it more often than not because they were significantly less bright and sharp than this latest generation of screens. I'm afraid that's the downside to such a high contrast ratio! :p
re: the shimmering. When I move in WoW I have noticed the ground kinda "shimmering" as well. It's only apparent whilst my char is moving though. Also, I've experienced this on all the TFTs I've tested recently (L90D+, 2001FP, 2005FPW, 2405FPW). No idea if it's a driver or game issue tbh. I'm using an x800 too btw.
Yeah one thing i noticed with WoW about this LCD compared to the CRT i have, is that the character models especially, almost have a 3D effect to them, as do spell and particle effects. It looks absolutely amazing. I think i'd really hate to give that up if i do decide to not use it for gaming or return it. It almost takes my breath away how crystal clear and vibrant things are.

The issue now is whether or not i can adjust to the amount of blurryness, which is a minor issue. The ground shimmering in forest zones is a bigger issue, it might give me a headache.

I'm going to hook up my CRT again later tonight after a raid and do some more comparisons.
It must just be the high contrast that's revealing the slight shimmering effect. Its really not that obvious to me unless you look for it, and only effects the ground in the middle distance to far away. I'm sure if you search for it on your CRT you'll find it there too.
Your lcd is probably a lot sharper than your crt was, hence why you are seeing the shimmer. when using my crt, it's very sharp for a crt and i see shimmer in the textures with ansitropic filtering maxed out, it's related to the game textures and the gloss shinny ground shader effect they use.
mozmo said:
Your lcd is probably a lot sharper than your crt was, hence why you are seeing the shimmer. when using my crt, it's very sharp for a crt and i see shimmer in the textures with ansitropic filtering maxed out, it's related to the game textures and the gloss shinny ground shader effect they use.

Sounds about right :)
I've got the same problem with WoW...ive got a 1905 and it looks horrible in wow, tv tuner, or any non dvd quality video. 1704fpv looks the same way...the best lcd ive seen is the one on my laptop =p. Latitude D610 but the blurryness is still noticeable but barely gameable. The other LCDs were not playable.
Bit of a difference there though bud: isn't the 1905FP rated at 20ms? There's quite a difference between 20ms and 12ms - depending on the screen too it can be very noticeable. Ghosting hasn't ever bothered me in the slightest though. Those who are bothered by it on 16ms and lower screens should seek out the new Hyundai L90D+ or better still wait for the delay to drop to next to nothing.
Ok i hooked up my CRT again to compare.

The blurring of things while moving did happen there, so there isn't much ghosting on the LCD compared to the CRT in reality. The sharpness of the monitor just made it look that way, plus i was looking for it as well.

Trying to see if i can fix the shimmering that happens (is it bad to run WoW at 75hz instead of 60 on the 2405?) that seemed to help the shimmering some, i need to do more comparing.

(one thing i did notice was the disregard to viewing angle i could have on the CRT), the 2405 is big enough that even the sides looking dead on, can change the opacity/brightness sometimes and you have to look dead on unless you are pretty far away.

I still think the overall image on the lcd is superior to the crt, like i mentioned before there is almost a 3d effect on wow, it looks that good especially the particle effects.

(And the crt i have is no slouch, viewsonic g220fb)
I don't think you can fix the shimmering with setting the refresh rate, trying disabling the shaders in the graphics options, i beleive the shimmering is related to the ground shader, it's been well known for a while that with increases in shaders, it also creates more aliasing and shimmering, hence why some people want Super sampling to come back, in order to fix aliasing caused by shaders since msaa doesn't work on the inside of textures.