2000 -> XP upgrade story & CnQ question

Steel Chicken

Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 29, 2001
Well I ordered a Raptor, and decided instead of moving everything over from the older IDE drive, id just rebuild the OS from scratch, and goto XP while I was at it. (Been a 2000 fan for a long time)

I left all the old drives in there when I installed XP (mistake). I wanted the new drive (Raptor STA) to have the MBR. So I unplugged all the other drives and tried to boot. Of course it wouldn't because there was no MBR or bootloader. (I expected this). So I boot the XP install CD. And goto repair console. Do a fixmbr, fixboot, and one other command (i forget now I was up late, heh something about adding the OS to the boot menu which worked) to try and get the new XP to boot. Nothing worked. At this point im just going to assume that the bootable attribute on the partition wasnot set.

So, I just reinstalled XP (faster than trying to repair it, YAY raptor) and off I went. After it was done, re-attached older drives, everythings great.

Ive run XP before, at work, and installed it for other people, but never ran it on my own personal main rig. Ive never had a chance to compare it on similar hardware to Win2K directly. It does boot faster, and seems faster and responsive overall. The 2K install I had before wasn't that old, and was maintained very well so it wasn't just "New OS speediness". In hindsight, im not sure how much of this is due to XP, or to the Raptor.

So far, im liking it. Installed all the drivers and firewall, download security patches, yadda yadda.

The only thing *NOT* working correctly is AMD's Cool N Quiet. I did install the proper driver (Win2K and XP drivers are different) but its not running. Unlike my old install, its not showing up as a registered service either. I uninstalled and reinstalled several times, no go. Double checked BIOS settings, its still enabled.

so...any ideas? I did a quick search of the amd forums at amd.com but didn't find anything...I know lots of people dont like CnQ, but I love it. The difference between quiet PC and noisy one.