2 Software Requests in one thread


[H]F Junkie
Sep 6, 2007
I'm looking for two pieces of software, preferably free to accomplish two separate functions:

1. I'd like to find some disk erasing software, like DBAN, but that would run inside Windows and erase drives connected by a USB cable. I have a pile of SATA hard drives to get rid of, and I'd definitely want to erase them completely and securely. I could always hook them up one at a time and run DBAN on a spare tower, but was hoping to use an existing computer.

2. I'm currently sorting out almost 8,000 photos at home, and I suspect many are duplicates, although not having the same file name. I see many duplicate file finders, but they usually go by name or size it seems. Is there anything that could examinze file size and the photo to pick duplicates? How about an application with a preview window so I can see that the duplicates are really the same photo?

1) Active Killdisk windows installer

2) I would like an answer also, my mom duplicated a crap ton of pictures lol
For #1, just do this:
I'm in for an answer for #2 as well. The last time I had to do that, I did it manually pic by pic :rolleyes:.......over a lloonnnggg period of time.
There are softwares that can detect duplicate images, including images of different resolutions, but I don't know of any off the top of my head.
Get Ultimate Boot CD, fire up PartedMagic and use the disk eraser in there. If available on the drive (though I don't know if it works over USB) use the internal Secure Erase command, it is more secure than a block wipe (zero pass, DOD 3pass, DOD 7pass , and Guttmann are all block wipes). The other options in PartedMagic are dd (zero-pass block wipe) and shred wipe (random data block wipe).

A note of caution about Secure Erase, it uses a special command that is part of ATA spec that requires you to set a password temporarily to lock the drive. If you forget this password you will lock yourself out of your drive.
You're proving your title. Do you know how easy it is to recover data from a drive that was simply formatted? I plan on selling these drives.

Unless you're selling these drives to somebody who is specifically looking to recover data, this should be sufficient.

If you're really paranoid, you can just use DBAN. I was simply providing you a quick and easy way to format. No need to be a dick.

Or use Eraser: http://eraser.heidi.ie/

It's great.
Unless you're selling these drives to somebody who is specifically looking to recover data,
That's the point...I don't know who I'm selling these drives to. If I was giving them to friends, I wouldn't care. However, if I am selling them on here or Ebay, I'm not about to take any chances by taking the easy way out and simply formatting them. DBAN works great, but it doesn't run in Windows....hence the creation of this thread.
That's the point...I don't know who I'm selling these drives to. If I was giving them to friends, I wouldn't care. However, if I am selling them on here or Ebay, I'm not about to take any chances by taking the easy way out and simply formatting them. DBAN works great, but it doesn't run in Windows....hence the creation of this thread.

Ultimate Boot CD (boot Parted Magic) will accomplish your goals. Someone also suggested Eraser which is also fine.