2.4a OC


Mar 24, 2004
I'm in the process of overclocking a 2.4A prescott, but everytime i put the FSB above 166, it won't boot, now this is no where close to the settings ive seen at other places, including Hardocp. I have the same processor that everyone seems to be getting 3.6 (productcode SL7E8)
And I'm running the MSI PT880 Neo, the one off newegg.
However, i can get the FSB to 170 when i overclock in windows, not using the bios, anyone have any idea what's wrong?

My CPU temp never gets above 45C, and my system temp is 15-19

i'm using a zalman AlCu 7000a to cool it
Not all CPUs will overclock the same amount!!!!!!!

That said, my 2.4A kicks ass, my cooling just can't keep up. I can get it up to 3.3GHz at default voltage, but the temps are too high for my liking, so I've backed it down until I get more cooling (or really until I need that much speed).
see, i'd believe that if it didn't happen every time at 3.0 ghz, ive narrowed it down to that exactly. think it may be locked?
This problem used to be there on original release of P4C800Dlx. I would think it's same problem. Just set the OC in windows using set FSB. Or look into diff bioses. Back when the board came out, I had 2.4b C1 that can do 200FSB. However, I couldn't get it to work from 166-199 Mhz FSB unless using set FSB. Probably same problem. I would venture more into how far you can OC in windows than decide if its problem with bios or not. (ie, can do 170ish in windows but won't boot anything above 166 in bios oc)
Ok, i have this exact Setup, MSI PT880 board, 2.4A retail 1mb cache chip only im using the kingston hyperx pc4000. I have a few questions and comments also...

1) the only way i seem to be able to overclock this thing is to change my memory setting to DDR500. that gets me a 2.9ghz @ 1.45v. I want to achieve the 3.3ghz that kyle got in the review.
2) when i go to setup the ram to a 1:1, i just want to make sure that means to set it to DDR266? then change the fsb?
3) i saw that one of you had a 3.3 but said you needed better cooling, what settings in bios led you to this 3.3?
4) what ram are you folks running and @ what timings, that led you to 3.0+ ghz overclocks...

