1337 Mirc script?


Jul 28, 2001
What's the best mirc script?

One that will prevent lamers from attacking... etc
lol. well. mirc in itself is a very insecure platform. so you'll always have people able to exploit you in some way because they're always finding new exploits for it. most "l33t scripts" are just a bunch of reactions to ctcp ping and flood attacks, which aren't really what youd have to worry about. although i use mirc, i wouldn't bother downloading scripts for it unless you have some need. most of them are just retarded. nothing like letting other people know what kind of music you're listening to. best thing to do is just keep mirc up todate and such.
NNScript is a good one. The MTS engine allows you to change the look aswell - the default one is awful.
I currently use Invision with a spam blocker plugin, Q-Script , but Ive been using these two for years and I guess i have become aquainted with them. I havent used PnP as much, but from what I have done with it, ive liked it (its not as 'user friendly' as other mirc scripts).

As far as security goes on IRC, you just have to use common sense. Dont type any messages that start with //.write or //.decode (they are small programs that cause your Mirc client to behave unwantedly-you become one of those annoying people that send spam and that causes you to be K/Glined), dont download any unknown programs and just trust your judgment. If you just want a spam blocker, i strongly suggest Q-script, it has many spam filters and you can even add your own. Hope this helps.