1080i vs 720p Question


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 4, 2001
Hey, I have a DVR box from Cox. When I output through DVI at 720p, the image looks fine except at the extreme edges, where it looks like a bad tape recording. If I set it at 1080i, it fixes a problem. Now the thing I'm concered is that by going from 720p (HD channel) to 1080i output and back down to 720p on my LCD TV, I'm going to be losing some motion fluidity. Is this a legitimate concern or not? I could go back to component, but DVI appears to be much better with black / darker colors.
I have my Cox going from HDMI 1080i -> 42" Plasma which is 720p and it looks better than when I have the Cox 720p selected. This is only my opinion, just test both settings and leave it at the one that you think looks the best. It is all about preference.
I work for Time Warner and came from Best Buy. Don't worry about jumping back from res to res, it won't hurt your tv at all. Period. Both resolutions are fine and barely distinguishable from each other. Continue using the digital output. Also, check to see if your box can force the 1080i. On my TWC box it is called upconvert 1. Then you are good to go.
he's not worried about hurting his tv. What he's worried is that when he gets the input stream its 720p, and then if he outputs it at 1080i and lets his tv scaled it down to 720p again he's losing quality. This wouldn't be an issue if he could get 720p output working, but it looks bad. Since you're paying for the subscription to the DVR, I would call cust. serv., or take it in and get the dvr replaced.

Some fixes we could try in the mean while:

What do you mean by bad tape recording? Describe it more closely.

Since you mention this occurs at the extreme edges, its possible this is an overscan problem. I know overscan is a crt thing, but it's possible for some goofy reason that overscan is being used on your lcd. Try fiddling with the lcd options.

When did this problem start? Did you get a new tv? new dvr box? What did you change?