1 week with no contact...

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May 12, 2011
Hey everyone, I purchased 2 PS Vita games from a member on here, and after confirming that he received my money via PayPal, I haven't heard from him in a week. He has 100% heat and a good many of them (30ish), however, there aren't any in the past year or so. In his last message he said he was "shipping them out asap and would pm me tracking." This was last Monday, I have sent him 3 PMs since then, and no contact at all. I just sent him a PM saying I will give him one more chance to contact me before I start the PayPal dispute. I am fairly new here, but is this (filing the dispute) unreasonable for me to do? Thanks in advance.
If I go 48 hours with no response a dispute is opened. Nobody is so busy that they can't find 20 seconds to say "hey I'm sucking today, planning to suck less tomorrow."

Open the dispute.
Ok, I opened the dispute. How long should I give him until I escalate it to a claim?
I generally give it another 48 hours for them to e-mail and/or PM me. Did you exchange any other form of contact with the seller (e-mail, phone)?
In the future, I would make it a point to get at least an e-mail address as well (and verify it). I almost always get a phone number (and offer mine) when dealing. Doesn't help you now, but it's something you can do going forward :).
And don't close it unless you get the money or items back to you.


People will try to get you to close it early and it can only be opened once. Until YOU are FULLY satisfied with the resolution from the seller DON'T close that dispute.
Well I am not sure what happened, but I just got a full refund. I still haven't heard from the seller via PM or email or anything, but apparently he initiated it, as I didn't even escalate it to a claim yet. Paypal has already closed the dispute though.

EDIT: He did attach a message to the refund: "Again sorry about the mix up I would have responded earlier but I have been moving and without a computer or internet." Who the F doesn't have internet for a week? I am pretty sure you have A) a smartphone B) a friend with internet C) a public library; any of these would have sufficed for 10 seconds to shoot me an email or PM. Glad I got the refund, but man, what a hassle that was completely unnecessary.

What should I do regarding feedback on Heatware? I want people to know, but I don't want him to put anything bad back on mine that is not true.
SDyar, I know this is semi-resolved, but would you mind PM'ing me his user name?

Also, to echo what was said before, it's important to get alternate contact information on every trade. Getting a phone number in this case might have been a lot of help to you in this instance, it's just one more way to protect yourself.
IMO, this is right on the borderline of being a negative heat. At the "best", it's neutral. It's up to you to decide in the end. Personally, for me, I would likely give him neutral heat over this. If he does give you a bad response there, they're really good about addressing it.
Glad you got your refund, too. Honestly, there's been times when I didn't have internet for a few days during a move, but at the same time, if I'm about to move, I typically make it clear that either communication and/or shipping may be impacted, and always try to reply within 48 hours (like you said, in a lot of cases there are options for getting in touch, but not always).
I ended up giving him neutral, only because he had given the full refund. It sucks that I had the money tied up for over a week, but I am just glad it is resolved now.
I know the feeling. I am going through that right now with a member here on the forums. I just went from dispute to claim after giving him 2 days to respond to the dispute.

I should have started it sooner to be honest as I got contradicting PM's from him/her/it. But I try for the benefit of the doubt first.
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