1 MIMO, or Router + AP


Jun 25, 2004
So here's the deal. I went and bought a D-link DI-634M the other day, to replace a D-Link DI-624 that had been problematic. Its MIMO, and I expected it to 'go the distance', only to find out it had the exact same (and in some cases worse) signal then the non-MIMO router. I moved the antennas and placement as much as I could, and still couldn't get what I wanted. The computers are about 60-70 feet away from the router going through maybe 2 walls. And I used netstumbler to configure best antenna placement, and it was still only a *little* stronger then the regular G router.

Now, I just have generic G adapters in the computers, and I know I can't expect to get the full potential of MIMO without a MIMO adapter as well. But my main concern here is this:

Do I keep the router, but go out and buy 2 MIMO adapter cards, and hope that improves signal?

Do I return the router (80 bucks) and with that credit, but a cheaper, regular G router, and an Access Point, spending maybe $30 after credit? (if so, reccomendations for Router + AP combinations would be helpful)

Or do I return the router and use the credit to buy a Linksys SRX400 at $130, spending maybe $50, and hope for better results?

Which do you think it the best course of action? Adapter changes, or router changes?
The dlink router isn't bad, but of course, mimo hardware is best used all around. Router and adapters. I would say get one adapter now, dont buy two just yet. And try it out, if its better then your problem is fixed. If not then there are various router + ap options + antenna upgrades and so on that can be used.
return the d-link unit, and get a netgear WGT624 wifi router. it has an extremely strong wireless signal (which is likely due to the power sent and the laptop pci wireless card that it has inside).

i can surf the net outside on my deck and not worry about the signal dropping between the concrete foundation and the brick exterior of my house. and the line-of-sight distance between my laptop and the router is about 50-60 feet.
This credit is at Best Buy, so i can only get a limited amount of supplies. But what I was thinking was exchaning the D-link for the Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 High Power AitStation and buying the Buffalo Ethernet Converter WLI-TX4-G54HP for around $60-80. I figure its cheaper then buying 2 adapters, and I can hook up both my computers to it, and I've seen good reviews about it on newegg. What do you guys think? Would it be able to handle 2 computers?