
  1. AlphaAtlas

    Japanese Man Marries a Hologram

    35 year old Akihiko Kondo is now the proud husband of "Miku", who is "an animated 16-year-old with saucer eyes and lengthy aquamarine pigtails." In addition to a holographic representation generated by a "$2800 desktop device," Mr. Kondo appears to have a plushie and a body pillow that stand in...
  2. FrgMstr

    Brigham Young's Princess Leia Project - Beyond Holograms

    Brigham Young University today shared with us a look at their photophoretic-trap volumetric display that they refer to as the "Princess Leia Project." Check out the video. "This display is like a 3D printer for light. You’re actually printing an object in space with these little particles." -...
  3. FrgMstr

    Utah Developing New Hologram Technology

    A team of geeks at the University of Utah is telling the Deseret News that it has come up with a better way to make those holograms you see displayed on packaging and seals. However, they do say that the technology could be applied to live hologram displays as well in VR headsets, movies, and...