
  1. DejaWiz

    Apollo 11 Moon Landing recreated with Ray Tracing

    This is pretty darned awesome. Just a matter of years that can be counted on the fingers of one or two hands when consumer hardware will be powerful enough to adequately run games of this graphics caliber...
  2. $

    Apollo computer

    This story appeared recently in Fast Company as part of a series they are running on the moon landing. Sometimes it's good to revisit technology milestones to appreciate just what we have today.
  3. DooKey

    Today is 49th Anniversary of Apollo 11 Moon Landing

    The first men walked on the moon 49 years ago today. Michaels Collins orbited the moon in the Apollo 11 Command Module while Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon in the Lunar Module. All three of these men are truly pioneers (along with the rest of their astronaut brethren) and...
  4. R

    Scrap Dealer Finds Apollo-Era NASA Computers In Deceased Engineers Basement

    A scrap dealer going through the basement of a deceased engineer discovered 2 Apollo-Era computers, and 325 magnetic data tape reels from NASA. The computers were not removed, as they are so heavy the report says a crane was likely used to move the machines, but the magnetic tapes were taken and...