Destiny's Gjallarhorn Made Out Of LEGO


Though as someone who plays destiny and has a maxed out Gjallarhorn I can honestly say it is overrated. Is it the best rocket launcher in the game? Yes, is it the best in every situation? no. The problem with it is that people think you absolutely Must have a maxed one to do certain content and frankly that isn't true. In most situations you can get by with another rocket launcher and using your exotic in another slot if you don't suck at aiming. Gjaller just makes things more "idiot proof". Honestly in most situations I find myself using my one way ticket (legendary) with cluster bombs and using another exotic. For fights like Crota, I honestly prefer dragons breath to keep the shield down. As for Atheon, well lets say that rocket launchers and grenades are banned vs him, so it isn't needed there either. I really only use it for stupid shit like Omnigul that I just want a single target to die as fast as possible.
(Forum doesn't like me for some reason)

Hah that is awesome! Ironically I got one in-game this past Tuesday doing the Weekly Nightfall.
Anyone else freaked out by the dude's purple hands in the video :eek: I'm assuming it's something to do with the lighting but the bricks look the correct colors.

Cool build nonetheless!
Cooler than anything in the game, for sure :p