3 Things That Have Made Gaming Social Media More Toxic

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I don't care whether you like Brad Wardell or not, you really should read this.

It’s not just that the gaming media publicizes every tawdry rumor or speculation about the individuals involved in making games. It’s that they actively take sides and drive the narrative. This is extremely divisive and thus creates a constituency of people waiting “their turn” to air their grievances.
I used to correspond with Brad in the OS/2 days. He's a good guy and speaks much truth.
Indie gaming is the worst. Those idiots have the dirtiest laundry, the most skeleton of the closets, and maybe 1 or 2 of them release games worth throwing money at (i.e. Minecraft). The rest is garbage and not worth paying for.
The typical stereotype of the online “troll” is that they’re some kid. But the nastiest of the trolls tend to actually be people who actually work IN THE INDUSTRY (or close to it) posting anonymously.
I call them corporate trolls. They get paid to turn any intelligent conversation into trash. They're there to devalue any intelligent conversation that maybe going on. This is what I think goes on with Nvidia vs AMD or AMD vs Intel. Who cares beyond getting the best deal?
The best part is that there's no liability that they need to worry about at all in making those baits. The trolls get off scott free.
I agree with this article 100%, and yet this very [H] news feed regularly links to the most toxic of all of the gaming "news" websites.
good article, i'm happy about any somewhat neutral post on this topic. this whole SJW thing by professional victims is sickening. all we get is rants about feminism, gender confused trans people and indie devs with egos that rival duke nukem (phil fish et al.). any critical comment about SJW is quickly drowned in comments of random internet white knights on the topic of how everyone is a misogynist and the entire universe exists for the sole purpose of suppressing women. check #quinnspiracy and #gamersgate on twitter for news on how zoe quinn, a bunch of gaming "journalists" from kotaku and other sites as well as a couple of indie devs are in bed for mutual profit, quite literally.
Feminist Bullies are Tearing the Video Game Industry Apart:


Sorry for multiple posts. There is no edit in this subforum and I'm finding these great articles as I browse about this hot subject.

No big loss there. The industry was an awful, money-grubbing mess filled with greedy suppliers and publishers long ago. Most people are just too young (or unable to think outside the box) to realize that there loads of dumb issues beforehand. The stakes might be higher, but really that's not a significantly contributing factor. The gender of someone working on or reviewing a game isn't relevant or important. People don't have to let themselves get emotional about what they read (hint, hint). The most prominent trouble is in improved communication that permits anyone who has an opinion to share it widely. People are generally uninformed, biased, and cluelessly irrational about everything, but now they can share all those negative traits with like and unlike minds. Sure some good can come from enhanced communication via feedback to developers which can improve games, but most of the noises people make are rude or mindless ones.

Speaking of that, you seem very much against women and on a personal crusade to make a point of parading out your dissatisfaction. Is there some sort of mental trauma in your past that you'd like to share with the audience to clear the air?
Speaking of that, you seem very much against women and on a personal crusade to make a point of parading out your dissatisfaction. Is there some sort of mental trauma in your past that you'd like to share with the audience to clear the air?

I'll take this as a tongue in cheek.
good article, i'm happy about any somewhat neutral post on this topic. this whole SJW thing by professional victims is sickening. all we get is rants about feminism, gender confused trans people and indie devs with egos that rival duke nukem (phil fish et al.). any critical comment about SJW is quickly drowned in comments of random internet white knights on the topic of how everyone is a misogynist and the entire universe exists for the sole purpose of suppressing women. check #quinnspiracy and #gamersgate on twitter for news on how zoe quinn, a bunch of gaming "journalists" from kotaku and other sites as well as a couple of indie devs are in bed for mutual profit, quite literally.

Yep. Can't say "shut up and get back to work" to them, either. So instead of them actually working on titles people will give a shit about, we have to endlessly hear about their dirty fucking laundry as part of the grand plan to keep profiles raised instead of letting games succeed on their own merits.

Tired of games that you perceive to be surpressing women? Don't buy them, don't play them and code something else. Just don't expect me to want to listen to your drama if your game isn't worth playing.