Net Neutrality Explanation of the Day

After a few minutes of watching him talk about Coyote Urine and him thinking that exaggerating internet stereotypes are hilarious, the video started to become pretty painful to watch. At what point in the video does he supposedly give this great explination?
After a few minutes of watching him talk about Coyote Urine and him thinking that exaggerating internet stereotypes are hilarious, the video started to become pretty painful to watch. At what point in the video does he supposedly give this great explination?

It's a funny explanation, that a LOT of people can relate too. I'm sure you already knew that and didn't find it/him funny so threw a jab here. Joe nobody that needs to be entertained to get their attention might benefit from this video though. Thus it has value.
He makes some good points and offers decent analogies, and in classic form he coats everything in a flimsy layer of sarcasm.

Too bad the show is on HBO, and most are forced to pay 100 bucks a month for legal access to it. Or maybe that's not such a bad thing, I dunno.
Summary for people who can't watch at work?

Basically allowing ISPs to manage net neutrality themselves is like hiring a dingo to babysit your baby (reference to famous "Dingo ate my baby" phrase)
I kinda doubt the FCC will take public comments too seriously, but worth a shot. Better than nothing, maybe the Comcast lobby CEO turned FCC Kaiser will be shamed into letting go of his second Yacht fund.
we are going to the laughing stock of the world when this shit tiered shit passes.Not that we aren't already.
Basically allowing ISPs to manage net neutrality themselves is like hiring a dingo to babysit your baby (reference to famous "Dingo ate my baby" phrase)

The analogy was given for appointing Tom Wheeler, a former lobbyist for the cable companies, as the FCC chairman.
lol. People still want to trust corporate-bought politicians to stop ISPs from acting like assholes.

"You shouldn't trust the dingo. You should trust the pit bull."
He makes some good points and offers decent analogies, and in classic form he coats everything in a flimsy layer of sarcasm.

Too bad the show is on HBO, and most are forced to pay 100 bucks a month for legal access to it. Or maybe that's not such a bad thing, I dunno.

The irony here is too great. I wish he would have mentioned how his own station (HBO) is helping to empower cable companies by being the only reason some people keep cable.

As a company that sucks exclusively at the teat of cable companies, I would think they would be more supportive of what Comcast is doing, and it surprises me that they allowed such anti-cable commentary on one of their own shows
I expect if the fast lane/slow lane proposal goes through, you'll find your access to "high traffic sites" --as defined by your ISP-- throttled to FCC listed broadband speeds of 4/1 mbps. Unless of course your "high traffic site" of choice is willing to pay...
I saw the show and got so much more infuriated with the telecom companies. I've already sent 200 comments to FCC.