Google Account Passwords Stolen In Phishing Attack

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I know most of you would never fall for something like this but we all have friends and family members that would.

“With access to users’ Google accounts, hackers can buy apps on Google Play, hijack Google+ accounts and access confidential Google Drive documents,” states Catalin Cosoi, Chief Security Strategist at Bitdefender. “The scam starts with an email allegedly sent by Google, with “Mail Notice” or “New Lockout Notice” as a subject.”
I'm not usually a victim blamer but this, along with most other e-mail phishing scans, is a ridiculous trick for which to fall.
*shaking head* just shows how many stupid and/or ignorant people are out there. I know that I'm sounding like a mean jerk, but most local news channels and/or newspapers publish stories about not trusting emails from banks or other businesses. *thinking to self* we're in for a bleak future. between these morons and kids doing a majority of their social interactions on FB, the human race in for a rocky future.
My dad almost fell for the suspicious activity version. I wonder how they get pass the spam filter
I almost fell for a Paypal pish, a few years ago. I clicked the link in the email, typed in my login name and password, moved my mouse to the "Submit" button then stopped. I finally realized what I was doing. I looked up at the URL to see if it was Turns out it was some random jumble of letters and numbers with a .com at the end lol. They are sneaky sometimes and we can be idiots sometimes.
These types of attacks are easy to set up and even if only a fraction of the people fall for it, there is the potential to gain so much information or use their GMail account to send all that annoying spam...