How Does Internet Porn Affect Teens?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I sincerely hope nobody spent money on this study about internet porn and its affects on teenagers.

How has the ubiquity of online porn affected the sexual development of children and teens? The scientific consensus is: We have no idea. A new comprehensive report from Middlesex University London (undertaken on behalf of England’s Children’s Commissioner) is titled “Basically … Porn Is Everywhere,” but clear insights into the effects of that material are nowhere to be found.
I've wondered that myself. Porn was relatively hard to get in comparison, when I was a teenager. My parents actually found my porn stash when I was a kid at one point. Pretty pathetic by today's standards.
The last paragraph was really the most interesting. Snippet:

Porn shouldn’t pass for sex education, and speculative arguments about porn that rely on what the researchers call a “limited evidence base” shouldn’t pass for the truth. And yet it still does: Even when reporting on the findings of this highly nuanced study, the Independent reverted to the same old (unsupported) script: “Easy access to online pornography encourages teenage boys to see girls as sex objects and to engage in risky sexual behaviour, according to a major study.”

I'm glad at least someone is admitting we don't really know what is going on, rather than claiming what some fear is true is actually true. I might have to look at the full study, if possible, to see how they structured it. Could be interesting.
Porn has ruined my personal life. The girlfriend now demands to be tied up. I'm too lazy for that. Damn you internets.
Porn killed my pet fish, shat the living room rug and tore up my front lawn. Damn you porn!
Well, I believe that is has seriously hampered the development of certain... hum... stealth skills in younger generations.

Back in my time, it was a whole experience. Having to sneak it mags into school, hoping there was no "Backpack Raid" that day, or not be found by the ever present snitch. And then, learning how to negotiate:

"I'll lend you my mag for your VHS!"
"Nah, man. This VHS is so out there... it's worth three of your mags."
"Oh yeah? Well, how about... I'll throw in this obscure fetish mag?"
"Holy crap! Here, take it!"

Kids these days don't get to develop those precious skills.
Had I had easy access to the wealth of internet porn we do now as a teen I would be far worse off than I am now I think. It definitely desensitizes causing one to go further down the rabbit hole. As an adult I can control how much I intake so as not to come to that but as a teen I think I would have hit rock bottom quickly and just may have not bounced back. :eek:
I could make a joke about the name of the university in question with regards to the subject at hand. But, I won't. Instead, I'll just say that porn begets porn. Much like Pringles, once you pop you can't stop. That aspect though is more about the very poor self control of humans in general though, a struggle that teenagers have had since our species began.
phsss...I'm sure teenagers still find their dads stash. Unless adults have switched over as well?

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Well, I believe that is has seriously hampered the development of certain... hum... stealth skills in younger generations.

Back in my time, it was a whole experience. Having to sneak it mags into school, hoping there was no "Backpack Raid" that day, or not be found by the ever present snitch. And then, learning how to negotiate:

"I'll lend you my mag for your VHS!"
"Nah, man. This VHS is so out there... it's worth three of your mags."
"Oh yeah? Well, how about... I'll throw in this obscure fetish mag?"
"Holy crap! Here, take it!"

Kids these days don't get to develop those precious skills.

Haha! This!

Bartering is a useful tool to own and keep sharp.

I remember we used to keep a stash under my friends house, the lengths we would go to hide nudy mags, the good old days ;)
Considering how little pr0n has to do with reality I can see easy access to it having adverse effects on sexual development for young people who don;t have a healthy frame of reference.

Like others note: getting it was tough back in the pre-tubes day. When a single IFF file took forever to download at 1200bps on an Amiga 1000. That was rough.

Now it's basically free (if you pay for pr0n you're a retard).
Rule 36 applies, not to mention that I wonder how they conducted this study. God, I hope they didn't show porn to teens or children.
The last paragraph was really the most interesting. Snippet:

Porn shouldn’t pass for sex education, and speculative arguments about porn that rely on what the researchers call a “limited evidence base” shouldn’t pass for the truth. And yet it still does: Even when reporting on the findings of this highly nuanced study, the Independent reverted to the same old (unsupported) script: “Easy access to online pornography encourages teenage boys to see girls as sex objects and to engage in risky sexual behaviour, according to a major study.”

I'm glad at least someone is admitting we don't really know what is going on, rather than claiming what some fear is true is actually true. I might have to look at the full study, if possible, to see how they structured it. Could be interesting.

When I was much younger, my mom knew that despite her best efforts I would likely be exposed to things like porn. And she preemptively prepared me for the real world by telling me that how it is in movies (mainstream or porn or whatever) isn't necessarily how it is in real life. And though she'll never really know, she and any women I have and will be with will be thankful that I won't expect that I get finish on the face.

There will always be generation gaps, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that anything that may be wrong with young people's attitudes and beliefs regarding sex is directly attributable to the competency of the parenting they've received - as is the case with any generation and any relevant subject matter.
Porn affects teens the same way now as it did 20 years ago...they learn anyway they can, without admitting it.
This is what happens when kids get easy access to porn at such a young age

It is so much easier for kids not to get access to porn. Back then it seemed like an adventure to acquire porn- hiding it, sharing it with your friends, and not getting busted by Mom and Dad (though we all know Dad was secretly proud of us). Now kids as young as 10 have been exposed to more porn than I was when I was 13.
my friend's neighbor kept a box of playboys in the carport

it was like discovering plutonium
I guess what I'm trying to say is that anything that may be wrong with young people's attitudes and beliefs regarding sex is directly attributable to the competency of the parenting they've received - as is the case with any generation and any relevant subject matter.

You're most likely right on target there, or very close, at any rate. Sadly, many people's idea of parenting on this matter is to prevent any kind of discussion, inquiry, or reliable information gathering from happening. Then these same people go on to complain about STD proliferation, accidental teen pregnancy, and all kinds of other problems. It's enough to make me want to bang my head against a wall.
I learned SO MUCH MORE from porn than I did from the so called "sex-ed" in schools, and there are educational sex films out there.

What they don't like is that "sex-ed" in schools is basically just a bunch of unsexy diagrams to gross you out, the miracle of birth movie where you see this enormous clam poop out a squished infant to make you blow chunks, and scare tactics about the millions of diseases you can get... basically an ABSTINENCE propaganda class.

After sex-ed for example, I didn't even comprehend how lesbians could have sex, they teach you nothing.

They don't like porn though because the men and women make it seem like its really enjoyable, and, well, we can't have that now can we! ;)
I learned SO MUCH MORE from porn than I did from the so called "sex-ed" in schools, and there are educational sex films out there.

What they don't like is that "sex-ed" in schools is basically just a bunch of unsexy diagrams to gross you out, the miracle of birth movie where you see this enormous clam poop out a squished infant to make you blow chunks, and scare tactics about the millions of diseases you can get... basically an ABSTINENCE propaganda class.

After sex-ed for example, I didn't even comprehend how lesbians could have sex, they teach you nothing.

They don't like porn though because the men and women make it seem like its really enjoyable, and, well, we can't have that now can we! ;)

Delusional parents are one of the few constants in this world.
I think they seriously need to teach about pornography in schools, along with Sexual Education, as both go hand in hand. Teach about the responsibilities of using pornography, so they don't develop an addiction and they know the differences between how sex actually is and how it works in the real world (similar to that of movies aren't a really portrayal of real life).
I'd like to see this study done on girls.

Women these days watch porn with their partners.
Frankly we need more in our culture, the war on our TV's is stupid. You can watch serial killers and watch war movies where millions die yet you can't have topless women on daytime tv.
Sure there is an effect..

Young 20 something hot chicks are about 100x easier to pick up and bang than they were when I was 20 something. Best thing ever as far as I am concerned.
I am going to have to agree 100% with potency in saying that parenting plays a huge role. But I will also add that this country and no doubt the UK as well, based on some historically obscure puritan belief structure, already has an extremely warped attitude towards human sexuality, that has caused problems with todays youth, in and of itself. The prohibition of human sexuality is what makes sexuality so attractive. Because, people are taught to deny a basic human instinct; they crave it, they go hunting for it, and they idolize it. Put the pussy on a pedestal so to speak.

There is some outspoken moral standard, set by the older generations, probably stemming from some religious influence, that it is wrong. But our brain begs the question; How could something be wrong if it feels so right? So kids do it in secret, they steal playboys and go to porn sites in the middle of the night. Their parents just say, its wrong, and don't bother to talk to their children about it and so their children only learn what they see in porn. If people really want to know what is wrong, they need only to look at the stigma they've attached to sex. Then they will see the problem is staring them right in the face, like Tori Blacks titties.
Teenage boys have not ever, do not now, nor ever will, need any encouragement to view girls as sex objects, or engage in risky sexual behavior. I had very little access to porn and still managed to be a father by 15.

Porn removes some of the mystery. That is both good and bad I suppose.
In the US pr0n is the only sex-ed teens get, especially in the areas/states where religious zealots rule and the constitutional separation of Church and State is suspended, which is basically all of the South-East and the Bible Belt.
... surprised no one linked this video

Porn has affected me quite a bit, but having a partner now my need for porn has gone to zero and my performance / feelings / etc have gotten way better.

I'm going to have to ask my brother about this book he was reading... it was literally talking about how men have instincts to cheat on their partner because it increases fertility or something. :D

Everything was going so well for humans until we learned how to speak.... lol
Sure there is an effect..

Young 20 something hot chicks are about 100x easier to pick up and bang than they were when I was 20 something. Best thing ever as far as I am concerned.

Nahh, they were always that easy, they were just looking for older guys when you were 20. Now that you're older, they're looking for you!
When I was a teenager neither of my parents gave a shit if I looked at porn. I mean seriously, who cares?

As a result, it was never something I obsessed over.
I suppose porn has affected me quite a bit too, but not nearly as much as being attracted to someone who is attracted to me..

That video is odd, the guy isn't a very good speaker...
I guess I'm not part of the majority but... I kinda think about being alone as a different type of experience anyway... sure maybe it shows that I would get tired of the same old sex eventually...
but I guess it's pretty doubtful that I would end up with anyone opposed to "abnormal" sex...

Anyway isn't it more about increasing the audio and visual stimuli to make up for the lack of physical? I for one don't have a computer fetish. :p
Women have always been seen as sex objects by guys.