Italian Court Overturns Google Convictions

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Remember the three Google executives who were held criminally responsible for a video that showed a disabled teen being bullied? The court of appeals in Italy has overturned the convictions.

The appellate ruling throws out the convictions against Google's global privacy counsel Peter Fleischer, its senior vice president and chief legal officer David Drummond and retired chief financial officer George Reyes. The verdict raised concerns that Internet platforms could be forced to police their content and put European privacy concerns in contrast with the freewheeling nature of the Internet. Google said it removed the video in question within two hours of being notified by authorities.
ahh, now if they can also get their courts to throw out the charges against the seismologists for not properly predicting an earthquake..
ahh, now if they can also get their courts to throw out the charges against the seismologists for not properly predicting an earthquake..

I was going to say exactly that. The Italians seems to take the blame game to a whole different level.
The fact they convicted these people in the first place, is all anybody needs to know about the Italian court system.
ahh, now if they can also get their courts to throw out the charges against the seismologists for not properly predicting an earthquake..

That's not the only reason they were charged. Most of the charges had to do with misappropriation of funds, but that's not news-worthy.

Seismologists take government money to build earth quake prediction system, but don't build it and spend money on other things. Earthquake happens, investigation ensures, etc.
Did the Spanish Inquisition move to Italy or is Italy now a real life version of the movie Idiocracy?