Antec 1200 unboxing....


Jan 28, 2002
So while at Microcenter today I noticed that they had the Antec 1200 for $179.99.
Since I was in the market to replace my Stacker 830, I picked it up.
I am posting some pics for your delight, I will be building the system and post the final results.

Antec has included fans for this case + 2 replacements.
5 x 120MM blue tricools and 1 x 250mm top.
Antec did include 2 extra 120mm fans with a note saying that post production they may be problems with a fan or two. So the included 2 just in case.


So after spending several hours with this case I am impressed.
All the Fan/HD cages are held in with 4 thumb screws on each side. Even better the cages sit on internal "ledges" so you do not have to hold it in place like the stacker 830 4 in 3 solution. With 7 case fans on medium speed it is pretty quiet, my 8800gt is louder than the system and I can still hear my HD's over the fans sound. Temps are real nice. My Case temp is at 25C, CPU is still at the low 30's. Cable management was fun, and not because of Antec, just wiring 5 HD's can take some imagination. My TT Toughpower 8pin ESP had to be extended as it did not each, all other cables where fine. The only screws I had to install where for the MB, IO cards, DVD drives and HD's. The HD's slide into the cage on ledges and make a nice snug fit. The internal finish is very nice and can take some beating. The only thing I do not like about this case is the way the side panels mount. They kind of just fit into place and then slide forward a little bit.
There are tabs that need to be aligned up and then slide forward. The back side has plenty of areas to use the straps they give you, i used zip ties and mounting squares.
My back panel is bulging a little bit. Over all I am very happy with the case.

Just a note... Users with a longer card then the 8800gt might have to take out the cages in that area to fit. Also with the side fan mounted you cannot have an AC S1 Rev2 installed, they rub into each other.
Stacker vs 1200 Pics





********Updated Pics**********


























Will update later on.
let us know how the cabling management goes for the 1200! If its better than the 900 (of course... haha) plz post some pics...

other than that.. i'm liking the new look.. but i would definitely take off that Antec logo.. it just doesn't seem to fit with the case having it there...
I find it funny that out of all the case manufacturers jumping on the mesh bandwagon only one actually puts filters in their mesh to keep dust out: TT. Why aren't other case makers doing this? I'll put up with running my fans a bit faster if I have less dust in the box, but oh well.

Congrats and good luck, I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out. I've only seen one review of this case, a pre-release over at Hexus. Let's see how you and perhaps a few other members like it.
... I tried. I tried so hard. I repeated to myself, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

It didn't work.

That top fan is absolutely hideous, as is the bracing/reinforcing in the plastic on the top they didn't bother to put any facing on.

I was never a 900 fan, and I find myself to be even less of a 1200 fan.

Also, production costs on that thing were likely near to non-existent; the price they're asking is pure madness.
cm has filters on their mesh. and wow thats huge
On every single one of the front bays? I didn't notice. Huh. I thought only TT did that. Hmm, guess I'll have to look closer next time.
Hmm, I was looking at the 590. Think they did it for that?

Sorry OP, threadjacking in progress. My bad.

EDIT: Nevermind, nevermind, I see it in a review. Thanks.
That case looks monstrously. Though I didn't like the 900's looks at first, it kinda grew on me and in this case, it doesn't need to grow (I kinda like it). Though I still think that the window design is awful.

Its nice to see eSata on the front panel but I would of liked a labeling of the mic/headphone output, though I suppose it really doesn't matter since the their mobo headers are the same.

I really like how the inside is painted a matching black. Now if only it had come with a removable motherboard tray, and be made in aluminum.
Cooling must be amazing in that case but somehow Antec has managed to make a case that looks even more awkward than the 900. :(
I like the extra large top fan but still dont like the overall look.
I find it funny that out of all the case manufacturers jumping on the mesh bandwagon only one actually puts filters in their mesh to keep dust out: TT. Why aren't other case makers doing this? I'll put up with running my fans a bit faster if I have less dust in the box, but oh well.

Lian Li PC-A17 & PC-A77 have mesh too. You can actually buy them separately too under code BZ-501. But right now i'm waiting for BZ-502, which is the cooling part of EX-33.
are the dimensions of the drive cages the same as the 900's drive cages?
anyone else think that it looks too tall compared to its depth. it looks to me if someone farted against the side it would tip over...especially without any feet coming out from the bottom.
Yeah, I think so too, its too tall, waste of space above the motherboard. I could live with an 1100.
quick question, can we get a side by side shot of your old 830 with the 1200? i want to see how much taller/deeper it is in comparison?

thanks for posting shots!
Is the top fan LED too? Box art implies it is.

I sleep with my computer on in my room so I can't stand disco lights, replacing the 120mm fans isn't a problem since I have many, but the top one I don't have, I know you can buy the normal fan separately but that's just extra cost.

Overall after seeing some actual user pics the case is impressive looking, was worried about the depth but it looks like its slightly deeper than the Antec 900?
Is the top fan LED too? Box art implies it is.

I sleep with my computer on in my room so I can't stand disco lights, replacing the 120mm fans isn't a problem since I have many, but the top one I don't have, I know you can buy the normal fan separately but that's just extra cost.

Overall after seeing some actual user pics the case is impressive looking, was worried about the depth but it looks like its slightly deeper than the Antec 900?
Yes, the top fan has blue LEDs, but here's the kicker: you can turn the LEDs off with a tiny switch on the back of the case. Seriously. Enjoy your sleep. :)
I can take a shot later today. I need to install a 500GB HD and remove some of the HD's. Just from memory - THe stacker was wider, the 1200 is about 2 5.25 bays taller. The Stacker was also deeper. But the 1200 even with all the fans is quiter then the stacker. All the fans except the big boy are from the stacker. I do like the fact that the stock 1200 front fans has a small knob to controll speed...
I'm diggin' the 1200, but I can't justify the cost right now. I may wait a while and see if the price comes down before I pick one up to finish off the family.

I have a 900, 300 should be here tomorrow if the UPS man does his job.
Oh nice... How do you like the CM590? I've been looking at them for my server since it has 9 5.25 bays.
Oh nice... How do you like the CM590? I've been looking at them for my server since it has 9 5.25 bays.
Again, sorry OP for the threadjack.

I haven't gotten the darn thing in yet, but it's going to be amazing for me. My last case was an Aspire X-QPack, back before Aspire changed it's name to Apevia. So this is a major upgrade.

Planning on painting and eventually watercooling my new rig with a top-mounted double 120mm rad. Trying to figure out how to block the holes 120mm fans will leave open, because the top vents were made for a maximum fan size of 140mm. :(
If you looking for alot of 5.25 the 1200 has 12... 9 if you have a very long Video card.
I saw the 590 also.. had the 690.. didnt care on how close large HSF got to the top... Thats what I like about the 1200 there is plenty of room from the top of the MB to the top of the case.. the 690 hurts when your hand rubs up agains the cheese grater grates... Over all they are very nice cases... My 690 had rust and fittment issues.. ZZF fixed it though.
What concerns me is the depth of the case.

The Antec 1200 looks very impressive, but the depth of the case may be a concern.
Those holes look a lot cleaner than the ones I made in my 900. :p

Given time, if that thing drops well under 150, I may have to get one.
Thanks OP - in for 1. I have been following this case for a while - have a 900 now and wanted to open it back up to paint the interior and cut it up a bit. I like the 1200 and think that the effort saved by just moving to a different case will help me in the long run.
Oh my, I am very impressed on how it looks fully loaded. Now I might put that case in my consideration books when I go shopping for a case in a month or two :D

How are the noise levels on this? I was considering a Cosmos S but this one might just be my main choice and save quite a bit money.

For those that are in the SF Bay Area (Central California), a favorite local store of mine, Central Computers, has the Antec 1200 for 159.95 (linky here). The picture include doesn't seem like it, but I'll be passing by the store to verify the price. I am unsure of how well their shipping is, but they do have a few local stores in the area.
how quick/easy is it to clean/access the filters?
Not easy or quick. There are 3 air filters (1 for each intake fan/hard drive cage). Each air filter is located in the front of its respective cage. Each cage must individually be slid out a couple of inches to remove each air filter. To slide out the hard drive cage, 4 thumbscrews must be removed from each side (total of 8 thumbscrews per cage). In order to access all the thumbscrews, both sides of the case must be removed. All wiring to the hard drives must have a little slack so the cages can be slid forward.

Having a 900 now, except for depth, that thing looks perfect for my needs. I guess I can build around the depth ;) Thanks for the pics OP!
The filters are a bit of a pain to remove... you do have to move the drive cage out and then just pull up... I took pics of the machine next to the stacker... 1200 is taller by less then an inch... Stacker is wider by a good amount. Depth is almost even. I will post the pics finally tonight... I spent a good deal yesterday taking out the 1TB 4x250 drives and put in a 500GB Seagate... After all the rework the drive is not playing nice... so my system is down as I am trying to start from a scratch. But with 2x rear, 3 x front, 1x top and 1x side and 1x internal... The case is pretty quite... Over all I am very happy...
