Vista install hang-up (I know you are all tired of these)


[H]F Junkie
Sep 18, 2006
Ok before I say anything...I have googled this...Dogpiled this...searched hardforums...searched vista FAQ's...searched everything for 2 weeks!

I tried installing vista with the Pre-RC1 and my install would hang at the "Completing upgrade..." It would hang at different parts of it. It would stop with one dot...the next time 2 dots..Also sometimes it would hang before the completing upgrade when it restarted with a black screen.

Then after I let it sit for a whole DAY and restart would pop back up with "There was a problem installing Vista. Going back to old windows" And then it would load back up windows xp.

So I waited for RC1 to come did the same thing.

I have tried 30 different writable DVD's...even had my step-dad burn a copy from his computer to see if it was my burner..I have tried 2 different DVD Drives. etc...nothing.

So any suggestions? :p
My ESP isn't functioning today, so I can't tell you what hardware you have in your computer. I'd run some hardware diagnostics, and try it as a fresh install.
Go to Vista website and download the Vista upgrade advisor It will scan your PC and generate a report of what hardware/software incompatabilities there are. It could be something as simple as anti virus software, such as Nortons stopping the upgrade. You can always use a seperate drive and do a clean install of Vista RC1, or remove any AV software and try the upgrade again
Hey sorry my specs are...

AMD 64 3200+
120GB HD
ATI X700

(I have to wait till I get home to get the MB Info)

I have ran the Upgrade Advisor and it says everything is good to go...

Also, I have installed a fresh copy of windows xp with SP2...Nothing else added. And tried it with no progress.
Did you have issues with install XP, or did it work fine? You're comments seem to suggest both. If you couldn't install XP either, then definitely start running some hardware diags, like memtest, HDD diags, etc.
Oh no...Windows XP installed perfectly. Everything works perfect with the computer..other then installing vista :eek:
Can you install Vista on a seprate drive? What if you use a program such as Partition Magic to resize your partition to make room for a Vista partition?
I have tried on a seperate 40GB HD and it didnt work. But, I haven't tried partioning it yet. But I shall try that tonight if I can. Any other suggestions?

By the way, what I read awhile back with Pre-RC1/beta releases was that there are alot more problems installing it directly to a formatted HD then just upgrading. Is this still true?
Bowhuntr11 said:
By the way, what I read awhile back was that there are alot more problems installing it directly to a formatted HD then just upgrading. Is this still true?
It's always better to do a fresh install rather than an upgrade, and if you choose to make a new partition, it's always better to leave that space unallocated, and let the Vista install process format the partition.
djnes said:
It's always better to do a fresh install rather than an upgrade

Yeah like I said I had read it was worse to do a fresh install with these versions of vista. But I guess that has changed now.

djnes said:
And if you choose to make a new partition, it's always better to leave that space unallocated, and let the Vista install process format the partition.

Will do. Thanks!
Possible your video card could be the culprit. I did a fresh install on a NF2 Motherboard with an old Ti4200 and Vista insalled NP from the dvd. My NF4 with a X600 is a different story, I can'rt even get the Vista disc to boot on that rig.
BIGDADDY51 said:
Possible your video card could be the culprit. I did a fresh install on a NF2 Motherboard with an old Ti4200 and Vista insalled NP from the dvd. My NF4 with a X600 is a different story, I can'rt even get the Vista disc to boot on that rig.

Looks like it could be the motherboard too?

I might see if my old Ti4600 works still and put it in for grins also...
Bowhuntr11 said:
But I guess that has changed now.!
That never was the case, so I wouldn't trust whatever source you got that from. Any OS, from beta Vista on down has been better off with a fresh install.
djnes said:
That never was the case, so I wouldn't trust whatever source you got that from. Any OS, from beta Vista on down has been better off with a fresh install.

Ok, I've been trying to look up where I got that from...I know it was somewhere off a google search. But thanks. I tried installing the Pre-RC1 with a fresh install and that didnt work, maybe a fresh install for RC1 will work.
When you say "didn't work", do you mean you get the random hanging as described in your first post, or some other problem?
There have been some reporting issues with dual channel memory or using more then 1 memory stick combined with an ATI video card, mainly, X300, X600, X700, X1300 and X1600 video cards.

Try installing Vista using 1 stick of memory. Most seem to show this as a solution for now until the issue can be fixed, you can stick the extra memory back in once Vista is loaded.
Hapatingjaky said:
There have been some reporting issues with dual channel memory or using more then 1 memory stick combined with an ATI video card, mainly, X300, X600, X700, X1300 and X1600 video cards.

Try installing Vista using 1 stick of memory. Most seem to show this as a solution for now until the issue can be fixed, you can stick the extra memory back in once Vista is loaded.

Hmm..interesting hopefully that will work. Thanks
Hapatingjaky said:
There have been some reporting issues with dual channel memory or using more then 1 memory stick combined with an ATI video card, mainly, X300, X600, X700, X1300 and X1600 video cards.

Try installing Vista using 1 stick of memory. Most seem to show this as a solution for now until the issue can be fixed, you can stick the extra memory back in once Vista is loaded.

I LOVE YOU!! Haha...for 2 weeks! lol Thanks for all that have tried to help! Thanks again Hapat!
I've been running into the same issue on one computer. Been testing the upgrade path since it has a lot of programs installed. First upgraded it from XP Pro to Beta 2 - no problemo. Now if I try to upgrade it from Beta 2 to RC1 it goes to the same point the OP mentioned - but the system still seems to respond - the big progress bar is about 80% across and the three smaller dots that move keep on moving like it's still working. I even left it sit like that for over 12 hours (overnight once). Still at the same point in the morning - Completing upgrade.... Only difference for me is the mouse still moves and the screen is still animated. I have to hard power off the system then it says fialed goes back to Beta 2, etc.

That particular box does have 2 sticks of ram in dual channel mode and an ATI video card. I'll give it a whirl with a stick o ram removed and see what happens.
MixManSC said:
I've been running into the same issue on one computer. Been testing the upgrade path since it has a lot of programs installed. First upgraded it from XP Pro to Beta 2 - no problemo. Now if I try to upgrade it from Beta 2 to RC1 it goes to the same point the OP mentioned - but the system still seems to respond - the big progress bar is about 80% across and the three smaller dots that move keep on moving like it's still working. I even left it sit like that for over 12 hours (overnight once). Still at the same point in the morning - Completing upgrade.... Only difference for me is the mouse still moves and the screen is still animated. I have to hard power off the system then it says fialed goes back to Beta 2, etc.

That particular box does have 2 sticks of ram in dual channel mode and an ATI video card. I'll give it a whirl with a stick o ram removed and see what happens.
Let us know if it makes a difference. My NF4 has 2 sticks of ram, as would most peoples, because of the 1 gig requirement. It could the answer to a lot of no install problems. I'd try it, but I am waiting for a bigger video card to try out Aero on the NF2. Vista loaded no problem on an old 900 Duron box I have.
It did not make any difference. Essentially stalled at the exact same spot. Only other think I can think of is that this computer is joined to a domain and was logged into the domain both times I tried. I'm going to give upgrading one last shot while logged in locally as administrator.

Had to re-enable the local Administrator account. Did that and tried running upgrade while logged in locally as administrator. Still stalled at the same spot. No idea whats wrong...
Hmm my install worked when I took out 1 stick of the ram..

Now when I put back in my other stick of ram it crashes...Only way I can get it to boot back up into vista is again take out my stick of memory :(
Bowhuntr11 said:
Hmm my install worked when I took out 1 stick of the ram..

Now when I put back in my other stick of ram it crashes...Only way I can get it to boot back up into vista is again take out my stick of memory :(
Does the board you are using support dual channel? If it does, it makes a difference which slots the memory goes in. What MB are you using? One way enables dual channel, and the other lets the memory run normally.
Well it should be fine...I have always had it configured this way. It has always worked lol. I havent changed it around.

I took one out...installed vista...worked...turned it off...put the one back in same slot...and it wont work :(