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  1. C

    Best Hard Drive?

  2. C


  3. C

    OGM or MKV?

    Which of the three containers are the best: AVI/OGM/MKV I am not using it for standalone DVDs; just for PC. And don't require extremely good quality of sound. So that leaves out AVI. Down to OGM and MKV. I want all my videos to be a single format. I want to be able to have good...
  4. C

    Best Hard Drive?

    How are the WD Caviers? I am thinking of picking one up soon.
  5. C

    Best Hard Drive?

    What is RAID 0 or 1? When I buy something, I except it to be reliable. I am not going to buy 2 of each unreliable item and hope that only 1 of them breaks down, and the other 1 is there to safe my contents. So just ONE HHD for me now. Money is a key issue here. I live alone and people...
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    Best Hard Drive?

    It is not fun backing up 300 GB of the stuff I been keeping in the last 5 to 6 years. Used to be 1200 GB, but I had deleted all the junk already. And 300 is what is left. Also, blank media are designed to wear out fast, so you would buy new ones. Thus, the company makes more and sells it...
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    Hi, Are they planning to go international? They got some fancy laptops that I like. If this does not belong here, please move it. Thanks.
  8. C

    Best Hard Drive?

    Yes, I do care about speed. But reliability is my primary concern. What good is speed if my HD is not reliable? I am going with the standard 7200RPM ATA 100 (or 133) with 8MB cache. I have 5 HDs, and I need to replace 2 of them as they would probably wear out soon or in the next few...
  9. C

    Best Hard Drive?

    Hi, I would like to know which is the best brand for HDs. I don't care how long the warrantee is. If the HD should fail, my data is lost. The warrantee does not get my data back. Also, the trouble and money of shipping the HD + the 2-5 months of waiting for the return is not worth it...