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    Newegg / [H]ardOCP AMD Athlon X2 5000+ Black Edition Drawing

    Build a new PC to replace my aging AMD 1800+ Phenom
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    Can I Run Linux On This Machine???

    I run Ubuntu Breezy (haven't gotten around to updating it yet) on a PII-300 with 64 MB of RAM. I've tried KDE, Gnome and XFCE on that machine and: KDE was too slow to be usable. Gnome is slow (almost painfully so) but still usable. XFCE was very quick but I found it ugly & confusing.
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    Do all Linux FTP Daemons require users created in the OS itself?

    It sounds like you're a bit confused. The FTP server generally runs as it's own user with minimal rights to make it much more difficult for some cracker to attack your box via the FTP service. Then there's the issue of what users can connect to your box via FTP. For this, VSFTPD has...
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    POLL: What is your favorite Linux Desktop Environment?

    What DE I use depends on the hardware. On my main rig, it's KDE all the way. :D On my ancient laptop, I've tried XFCE but felt completely lost so currently I use Gnome. However I'll probably be doing a wipe/reinstall on that hunk o' junk and putting Ubuntu Dapper on it. I haven't decided on...
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    Just got Ubuntu 6.06 installed and have a few questions.

    I don't rip DVDs, so I cannot recomend any particular app, but a quick Google search turned up several apps: Handbrake Thoggen dvd::rip When I was reading up on doing this about a year ago, everything I ran across used Firewire. Then again, my camcorder has Firewire so that could have...
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    Im having trouble getting the internet in Ubuntu, Please help

    I think you mean to say that Linux doesn't always do well with wifi cards, as some routers are run on Linux. In any case, you might want to look at these sites: Ndiswrapper | Instructions for Ubuntu or Ubuntu Setup Ndiswrapper HowTo
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    Ubuntu Troubles

    If you want to work with apt-get/synaptic but stick with SuSE; then you should look at APT for SuSE. I've been running SuSE 9.2 for quite a while now but I've been using APT to update KDE to the lastest/greatest. :)
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    A few quick Ubuntu questions.

    For connecting to a Windows sharepoint try: sudo mount //ComputerName/SharedDirectory/ /mnt/someplace -t smbfs -o username=Generaluser45,password=YourPassword For setting up Samba to share files out try these instructions from the Ubuntu Guide. They were originally written for Ubuntu Hoary...
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    iTunes for Linux

    I use amaroK for general audio playing and CastPodder for downloading podcasts. I've not tried out amaroK's podcast support, but it does have it. From the amaroK FAQ:
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    Need suggestions for linux software...

    FSCDiablo is right. amaroK is the way to go for audio files. For video files (after you get the codecs installed), you might want to try out Kaffeine. It can use a variety of backends (e.g. Xine) and in my experience it's more stable than MPlayer.
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    Evil Genius Union Signup

    OS: SuSE Linux 9.2 & Ubuntu 5.10 Hardware: It's all old, read my sig for details. Plan for WD: Taking over the minds of other evil genius union members via subliminal messaging. You will obey me!
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    Display Gaming Poll

    Are you playing your computer games on a 4:3 display or 16:9 or 16:10 Widescreen display? 4:3 on a 21" CRT. 1600x1200 @ 75Hz for normal desktop use. For gaming, the highest resolution that is still playable with my ancient graphics card. Widescreen displays sound interesting but a new...
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    Help with Ubuntu and screen resolution..

    Rather than manually editing your xorg.conf, you might want to try running: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
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    Ubuntu Resolution?

    When I installed Ubuntu on my ancient laptop; it booted up using 800x600 resolution. The laptop's native resolution is 1024x768. I ended up running the following command to fix it: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
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    Kernal Upgrade

    Debian-Kernel-Compile-Howto (Kernel 2.6)
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    NIC Detected?

    I'm not familiar with Debian but it sounds like your NIC is being detected but hasn't been setup. You can either edit /etc/network/interfaces manually or poke around your system and see if there's some sort of network configuration tool. If you're not sure what should go in...
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    Suse 9.3 download prob

    Did you try a downloading it from a different mirror?
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    FTP Problem

    Actually, you can foward a range of ports with the WRT54G. See this page of Linksys's customer service site. My recommendation would be to select a specific range of ports to use for PASV connections, then go into your vsftpd.conf and set pasv_max_port & pasv_min_port to limit vsfptd to use...
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    FTP Problem

    @carloswill: Do you have any sort of firewall setup between your FTP server and the Internet? If so, you'll need to make sure that traffic on ports 20 & 21 (at dead minimum) are being forwarded to the server. Also, vsftpd defaults to having pasv_enable=YES so if you're behind some sort of...
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    FTP Problem

    Try looking in your server's log files for an error message.
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    SuSE 9.3 ISOs are out

    Correct! The Eval version is the installable ISO. The Live can only be run from the disc. Sorry, I should have been more clear when I typed my previous message.
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    SuSE 9.3 ISOs are out

    The ISOs that SuSE releases of Live CDs/DVDs are labeled as such. They call this an Eval disc to try to encourage people to buy their boxed sets.
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    SuSE 9.3 ISOs are out

    The 4.3GB version Frobozz mentions is a DVD iso.
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    Help me convert my server to linux! plz

    If you want to stick with PureFTPd, try reading up on their website. However, I'd recommend removing PureFTPd and going with vsftpd; as in my experience vsftpd is much easier to setup than any other ftpd. If you do switch to vsftpd and have problems setting it up; check out
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    Help me convert my server to linux! plz

    A good FTP client is gFTP, but since you're setting up a server perhaps what you really want is a good ftp daemon? If that's the case, then you should look at vsftpd.
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    SuSE 9.3 ISOs are out

    The retail box of SuSE 9.3 has been out for some time. Now they've released the ISOs so you download & burn your own copy of it.
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    I'm gonna make the switch....

    *shrug* I've only tried Ndiswrapper with Ubuntu so far and haven't had any problems with it.
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    I'm gonna make the switch....

    Try installing Ubuntu for real (vs. just using the LiveCD) and then you should be able to install the Windows driver for your wireless NIC using the information from these sites: Ndiswrapper wiki and Setup Ndiswrapper Howto.
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    Fresh Install

    1. Run "apt-get update" from the command line to make sure you're seeing all the latest packages available. 2. Run "apt-get upgrade" to automatically download & install the latest pacakges. Alternatively, you can run "apt-get -s upgrade" to see what would be upgraded without actually running...
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    Laptop wireless problem

    For the Broadcom wireless, you should take a look at ndiswrapper.
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    Which distro for an old notebook

    How odd, I've got Ubuntu Hoary running Gnome on an old laptop with a PII-300 and 64MB of RAM. It's a bit slow to start up but still very usable.
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    Ubuntu media shipping question

    Per the Ubuntu Shipping FAQ: Will you really ship CDs free of charge, and where can I get one? If you cannot download CDs, or would simply like more attractive pressed CDs, we can send you pressed copies of the Install and Live CDs free of charge. @Drucifer: My laptop is a Dell Latitude...
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    Ubuntu media shipping question

    There's a thread over on the LQ Forums talking about this and the only person to say how long it took for their CDs to arrive claimed it took 2&1/2 months. I took a quick peek at the Ubuntu Forums, but didn't see a thread for this.
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    Who here uses ubuntu?

    One could also add extra respositories to /etc/apt/sources.list as mentioned in the Unofficial Ubuntu 5.04 Starter Guide. In response to OP, I recently loaded Ubuntu on my laptop (Dell Latitude CPi D300XT) and was surprised at how well everything worked. It takes a while to boot up, but once...
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    Installed SuSE 9.3 Pro, but can't get wireless working

    Nowhere, it's not available yet. SuSE doesn't release the full install ISO's untill the packaged version has been out for some time (usually several weeks/couple of months).
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    Installing SuSE without FTP

    I'm pretty sure it's almost the full install. I say almost because I don't think the FTP version has everything that the packaged box does, but it's enough to do a complete install from without an Internet connection. Though if you don't have a Internet connection; you won't be able to grab...
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    Linux Applications

    My first choices for these would be: Web Browser: Firefox MP3 Player: amaroK Video Player: MPlayer
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    A bit off topic, but why not try running one of the linux based network scanning tools? E.g. nmap or Ethereal. For your specific problem, perhaps the way the your tool is trying to do the ping is the problem. Certain command options for ping can only be run as root because they can cause...
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    Trying to install suse

    SuSE defaults to installing KDE. Presumably if you redid your install, you added Gnome to the default install and you should be able to change between the window managers on the signon screen. If you didn't install KDE when you did your reinstall; then go into YaST and tell it you want to...
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    Trying to install suse

    That sounds like something is being mistyped or you're not running the command from the same directory where you downloaded the Nvidia drivers/installer to. Double-check that you're typing in the name of the file you download correctly and try again.