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  1. B

    Encrypting the Internet: HTTPS Everywhere

    web exploits can be sent just as easily over https as http. Problem is most ids technology has no visibility inside https sessions. So, that leaves many security infrastructures wide open to attacks over https. Not saying that should prevent the use of https, but I do think security monitoring...
  2. B

    Fox DVD creates Two Classes of Discs

    + another 9000 I have no issue with two classes of dvd, in fact I would prefer to purchase the "rental" class that is stripped down to just the movie. Honestly, I have never even bothered to look at any of the "bonus" content on any dvd I have ever purchased (well except gladiator) because...
  3. B

    LG, Sharp Plead Guilty In Price-Fixing Scheme

    My question is what happens to that $620 million dollars they collect in fines... hmmmm :confused: