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  1. B

    X800XT Platinum Edition $578 IN STOCK!!!!!

    He's an immature dick and we called him on it. How does that make us the bad guys. If anything it makes us observant. :rolleyes:
  2. B

    Who here got a DS?

    The successor to the GBA should be out in around 2 years. Nintendo is digging themselves into a grave. This innovative gimmick shit might fly with the little kiddies on the portables but if the Revolution doesn't offer equal to or greater than graphics compared to the Xbox Next and PS3 it's...
  3. B

    X800XT Platinum Edition $578 IN STOCK!!!!!

    Benchmarking is a need now? What the fuck do you call food? An obsession? People shouldn't air their issues in these forums.
  4. B

    So much for HL3

    Don't you mean soiled? :D
  5. B


    No. 79C is great for a GT. Mine goes into the 80s after a few hours of gaming and Idles at 60C.
  6. B

    HL2, where are the revolutionary visuals?

    Have you ever seen the real world? It doesn't look anything like that. I suggest you start using the doors in your house more often, perferabley the ones that lead to the great OUTSIDE. Seriously, what kind of crack do people smoke when they claim a game looks real. It's like uh no Bob, it...
  7. B

    Who upgraded their Hardware for Doom 3 and feels Robbed?

    Wait wait wait now. We upgrade hardware because of gameplay or graphics because I could have sworn it was the latter. :rolleyes:
  8. B

    HL2 weapons

    18 fucking rounds. Ya makes me wet with glee.
  9. B

    doom 3 expansion RoD pics

    ahahhaha mwahahahahha bwahahahhaha all hail the double-barrel shotgun. ahahahahahahh And those screens make HL2 look like a first year's attempt at graphics design. :p
  10. B

    Build a "dream machine" and need help picking video card.

    No on both counts. The Nforce 4 should hopefully be out this year. It's an AMD64 chipset. If you can wait, go for SLI. I'm regretting building my system now, SLI looks sextastic.
  11. B

    Half-Life 2 And You

    I'm perfectly happy with my system. Any problems that I have are Valve's fault for shipping out a bug ridden game, not my system's.
  12. B

    ATI X800 XT PE Shipped?

    Because most people have pre-built systems with the airflow of a choking man's airpipe. In my current system my GT can do 430/1200 indefintely. In my dell it chokes and hardlocks after in hour at 400/1100.
  13. B

    What we know about the Half Life 2 stuttering issue thus far

    He knows. He just doesn't care. What was he going to do? Delay it for another year?
  14. B

    What next-gen videocards are people playing HL2 with?

    The GT's pimping. :D
  15. B

    What we know about the Half Life 2 stuttering issue thus far

    You're not having it. The stuttering after the loading screen is from the autosaves. You can disable autosaves to fix that like I did.
  16. B

    What we know about the Half Life 2 stuttering issue thus far

    Yes. Just as much as Nvidia users. It has nothing to do with the IHVs. Seems like it's Source related.
  17. B

    What we know about the Half Life 2 stuttering issue thus far

    Ok guys. Finally got a chance to test out this 'fix'. It fixed all the stuttering. I do get some sometimes when I quick save though, but never randomly.
  18. B

    HL2, where are the revolutionary visuals?

    Ah yes of course. Explains why FFX rapes NWN in visuals. Console games can be damned pretty too. MGS2 was jaw-dropping when it first game out. The only people who make grand sweeping statements like that are the ones who have the least to offer from an informed perspective.
  19. B

    HL2, where are the revolutionary visuals?

    No not really. The draw distance in HL2 is pathetically small. Drive on the coast with the buggy and you'll be treated to trees and hell even mountains 'magically' popping into view less then a 100ft from you. It was jarring as fuck the first time I saw it happen. Far Cry spoiled me to that effect.
  20. B

    What we know about the Half Life 2 stuttering issue thus far

    FUCKING Steam cache validation just corrupted my HL2 installaion. Mother Fuckers! I gotta uninstall and go through being steam's bitch all over agian. Steam MUST DIE! Pleast note that I am mildly unhappy.
  21. B

    where are the ps3.0 games?

    EXACTLY. I don't plan on upgrading from this card until 2006 [right before UE3 and Oblivion hopefully].
  22. B

    HL2, where are the revolutionary visuals?

    Of course it scales better. The engine simply isn't as intensive. But in terms of scaling with IQ in mind D3 is better. You can play D3 on a Ti200 and get ever single effect [short of the heat haze] you would on a 6800GT. The same can't be said about HL2. It defaults to older codepaths. That's...
  23. B

    Stuttering and hitching in HL2, turn off autosave.

    I only get stuttering during atuosaves. I'm going to give that a try right now, see if it helps any.
  24. B

    HL2, where are the revolutionary visuals?

    Except for the suck part.
  25. B

    HL2, where are the revolutionary visuals?

    I think Oblivion might just be the prettiest game I've ever seen. I typically dispise FPS-RPGs [hated Morrowind] but jesus, with those graphics I may have to painfully sit through it just for the looks. Edit: And I can't wait to shoot that fucker up.
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    What we know about the Half Life 2 stuttering issue thus far

    So what's new. HL is 6 years old and it's still buggy as fuck. Can't honestly say the current state of affairs has me surprised. This is Valve. This is who they are. Maybe/Hopefully Nvidia can clean up their mess and get us some non-stuttering drivers.
  27. B

    XBit labs benches Half Life 2

    Minimum FPS plus long timedemos = teh win.
  28. B

    video card : help me choose

  29. B

    Funny HL2 screenshot (BIG) em if you got em

    The's not blue. :eek:
  30. B

    Vampire > HL2

    Does Bloodlines look as good as Knights of the Republic?
  31. B

    6800 or x800?

    For $25 more get the XT.
  32. B

    6800 or x800?

    How much can you get the XT for? And are you willing to OC the GT. If you're gonna OC both cards should cap out at a similar performence plataeu but if you can get the XT for $450 just go for it instead.
  33. B down?

    Nope it's working. If you're using FireFox maybe you have your pop-up blocker on or something.
  34. B

    Ok x600 xt or x700 Pro HELP pls

    Yes. 6600GT for 180 [second link] and the 6800NU for 250 [first link, not currently in stock].
  35. B

    HL2, where are the revolutionary visuals?

    Ya but FFX is ancient by today's standards. I didn't want to say FFXII since most people haven't played it [not out yet, but I got a chance to play it for an hour at E3], but it really does a fine job on facial expressions and animation, better than HL2s I would say. And it does so on a 233mhz? CPU.
  36. B

    Half Life 2 Benchmarks @

    Eh, CastleBrave brought up a good point. I really don't buy this CPU limited whining on a FX-53 at max rez/settings.
  37. B

    HL2, where are the revolutionary visuals?

    It's not anything I haven't seen before. FFX did a damned fine job with animations + facial expressions. FFXII will do an even better job. I can understand how one would be wowed by HL2s characters if they're PC gamers only.
  38. B

    where are the ps3.0 games?

    They did such a fine job pushing the cores that they crapped out on availability. :rolleyes: Also you guys might want to add Pacific Fighters to your SM3 list. It uses some VS3 features apparently, and since there is no VS2.0b the red team is shit out of luck.
  39. B

    XBit labs benches Half Life 2

    I like the Nvidia pic. ATIs is too saturated, the tiles have a bit more jaggies, and there's a really weird white blotch in the middle.
  40. B

    HL2, where are the revolutionary visuals?

    D3 runs on GF3 cards. I'd say that's pretty fucking forgiving. But ya D3's character's did look a good deal better. As did their shadows. :p