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  1. T

    time at your computer each day?

    4-6 hours.
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    drivers for athlon 64 3500 939

    I think he meant third party drivers the we could choose from.
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    Your Thoughts on 3DMark threats to HardOCP.

    Zardoz, you must be pretty sad to post things like that, what do you want?, a cookie? :confused:
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    Amd 64 3500 Slow, help?

    First of all, don't judge the performance by the cpu tests in 05' as they're very intensive and all proccesors are brought to their knees. If you're having problems in normal everyday applications though then something's up.
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    drivers for athlon 64 3500 939

    Do you mean when first installing your OS?, your using SATA, when you bought your motherboard it most likely came with some sort of floppy that had the third party files needed to install the SATA drivers. Simply press F6 upon loading from XP CD and follow the commands, not sure if this is...
  6. T

    drivers for athlon 64 3500 939

    My thoughts exactly, which is why I'm assuming he meant for his motherboard.
  7. T

    drivers for athlon 64 3500 939

    For your motherboard?
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    Am I the only one that already feels like deleting 3dmark 2005?

    I won't be deleting it, I will be paying for the extra features, if you don't like it fair enough, each to their own.
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    3DMark threats [H]ardOCP **FUNDING**

    Know I wouldn't pay, and I thought the the person from FM apoligised?
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    Improving 3DMark

    I think you should also post this at the FM forums, as that way the makers can take note.
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    Do you agree with Kyle in responce to Futuremark?

    Obviously this site will be biast towards Kyle and vice versa at FM, thus this poll means squat, personnaly?, I think they should both just forget about the whole incident.
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    Your Thoughts on 3DMark threats to HardOCP.

    Man this is breakline hilarious, whilst I wouldn't deny D3 has brilliant graphics have you seen some of the textures in it close up, they're terrible to say the least. Yes wheather you can or cannot see it doesn't change what's there, you seem oblivious to this point that I'm having to...
  13. T

    Your Thoughts on 3DMark threats to HardOCP.

    I never said it was a better engine, I said the tests found in the benchmark have more+more comlicated effects that are in either of the games you mentioned (apart from possibly shading in D3). Obviously it won't run better due to what I've just mentioned, unless of course you're saying that...
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    Your Thoughts on 3DMark threats to HardOCP.

    I'm glad you agree with me and that I'm not a lone soldier, my last point was just a small (and yes as you correctly said "incorrect") joke to try and lighten things up a tad ;)
  15. T

    Your Thoughts on 3DMark threats to HardOCP.

    First of all, none of them are engines, the all run on engines, but you just named the games/benchmarks. And possibly on this site 05' would get the lowest vote, but that doesn't change the facts, it merely states the opinions of this site, thus you're point is about as useful as a man in the...
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    Your Thoughts on 3DMark threats to HardOCP.

    Since they don't charge you to use the base (and most important) features of their benchmark why don't you?, I hear people complaining but unless you plan on making a better benchmark or helping them improve theirs then you really should keep schtoom. Noone forces you to download it, if you...
  17. T

    Your Thoughts on 3DMark threats to HardOCP.

    I'm sorry if it seems that way but please note I'm not trying to start one, merely saying that if you're going to post in this thread, atleast don't post bs, and if you do post stupid things, post some relevant sources that aid your claim, rather then come out with daft one liners that do...
  18. T

    Your Thoughts on 3DMark threats to HardOCP.

    Once again more quotes from people who have no clue what they're speaking of, are you trying to tell me D3 or FC look better then 05'?, if so then whilst yes, to you (and some others) they may seem more appealing to the eye, the fact is that technically they're inferior in a magnitude of ways.
  19. T

    Your Thoughts on 3DMark threats to HardOCP.

    First of all it should run well on that rig, I have a inferior system Barton 2500+ (stock/X800 VIVO + 16 pipes@pro speeds/1024 mb's Twinmoss 3200 BH-5 (6-2-2-2)/Abit NF7-S and it runs very well, you either need to troubleshoot your system if it isn't performing up to scratch or withdraw your...
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    Your Thoughts on 3DMark threats to HardOCP.

    Agree all you will, but clearly stated reasons with sources/evidence to back them up is always helpful something more then one person here seems to be lacking against his claims(s) :D
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    Your Thoughts on 3DMark threats to HardOCP.

    Isn't it ironic that the company are called Futuremark yet there products don't run perfect on todays hardware?, wow, I can't seem to figure out the reasoning behind that one, the whole point is that it stresses hardware to a very high level mate remember that. And I can run GT1/2/3 all above...